发布于 2014-06-24 22:52:30 | 90 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SonarQube Visual Studio 1.1 发布,该版本支持导入测试项目,允许项目被跳过,支持项目名称包含空格,修复了一些 bug。详情请看 release notes
[SONARVS-39] - Support <Compile> tags used for different purposes than source compilation
[SONARVS-41] - Forward module setting properties such as "sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths"
[SONARVS-42] - Ignore the case for the projects <OutputType>
[SONARVS-7] - Support project names with accents and spaces
[SONARVS-34] - Update labels in Settings
[SONARVS-35] - Use tiny link for documentation in pom.xml file
[SONARVS-43] - Support multiple output paths
[SONARVS-31] - Allow some projects/modules to be skipped (replacement of sonar.skippedModules)
[SONARVS-40] - Allow a test project pattern to be specified to determine unit test files
SonarQube Visual Studio 是 Sonar 用于分析 Visual Studio 项目的插件。