发布于 2014-06-30 02:49:02 | 244 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Erlang 编程语言
Erlang是一个结构化,动态类型编程语言,内建并行计算支持。最初是由爱立信专门为通信应用设计的,比如控制交换机或者变换协议等,因此非常适 合于构建分布式,实时软并行计算系统。
开发语言Erlang R17.1发布。2014-06-26 这种语言目前主要比较著名的开源应用有RabbitMQ,CouchDB,Riak等.上个版本是2014-04-10的R170.它的命名规则也比较特别,这是新的产品系列17.0的第一个补丁版。
Erlang/OTP 17.1 is a service release on the
17 track with mostly bug fixes, but is does contain a number of new
features and characteristics improvements as well.
Some highlights of the release are:
crypto: Add aes_cfb8 cypher to crypto:block_encrypt and block_decrypt.
diameter: Add result code counters for CEA, DWA, and DPA.
erts: The following built in functions in the erlang and binary modules now bump an appropriate amount
of reductions and yield when out of reductions:
binary_to_list/1, binary_to_list/3, bitstring_to_list/1, list_to_binary/1,
iolist_to_binary/1, list_to_bitstring/1, binary:list_to_bin/1
hipe: Handle Maps instructions get_map_elements, put_map_assoc,
put_map_exact in the HiPE native code compiler.
mnesia: The time for inserting locks for a transaction with large
number of locks is reduced significantly.
ssh: Option max_sessions added to ssh:daemon/{2,3}.
stdlib: Add maps:get/3 to maps module. The function will return the
supplied default value if the key does not exist in the map.
Many thanks to 24 different contributors in this release