发布于 2014-07-04 22:53:19 | 150 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JBoss Forge J2EE快速应用开发工具
Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。
JBoss Forge 2.7.0.Final (Stoked) 发布了,同时发布的还有该项目新的官方首页。该版本修复了超过 43 个问题;更新到 JBoss Tools 4.2.0 Beta3;提供了 JAX-RS Client 2.0 实现;更新 Roaster 2.6.0 Final 和 Aesh 0.56;提供新的 run 命令行用来支持操作系统的命令执行。
Release Notes - Forge - Version 2.7.0.Final
- [FORGE-1787] - When scaffolding with --webRoot parameter, pageTemplate.xhtml and search.xhtml are not right
- [FORGE-1888] - REST resource generation is aborted instead of gracefully failing for unsupported features.
- [FORGE-1891] - NPE while running Generate Entities from Tables command
- [FORGE-1898] - Dashes in the project name makes jpa-new-entity execution to fail
- [FORGE-1902] - Initial context in Forge Console appears to be incorrect
- [FORGE-1903] - Stale values are displayed in the property dropdown for the "Constraint: Add" command in Forge
- [FORGE-1904] - ConverterFactory can't handle primitive type conversion
- [FORGE-1910] - CLAC doesn't properly calculate calling classloader or strip CLACs from compatible results
- [FORGE-1912] - Embedded maven execution does not use the user settings file set as a system property
- [FORGE-1914] - Generated DTOs and REST resources contain compiler errors when underlying JPA entities have primitive Ids
Component Upgrade
- [FORGE-885] - Support Bean Validation 1.1 method constraints in plugins
- [FORGE-1804] - Generated code is not properly indented
- [FORGE-1856] - Allow execution of native commands
- [FORGE-1876] - Addon services should be exposed through @Produces methods
- [FORGE-1886] - Scaffolding generates java.lang.Long for Ids
- [FORGE-1893] - Rename --branch parameter to --ref in addon-install-from-git command
- [FORGE-1900] - JSON should be the default content type when generating JAXRS Endpoints
- [FORGE-1906] - Web Root path in Scaffold should be "/" by default in the UI input
Feature Request
- [FORGE-1622] - It would be good if Aesh had access to export variables
- [FORGE-1650] - Support creation of JSON object models from application code through JSON-P APIs
- [FORGE-1776] - Support the equivalent of git-patch in Forge 2
- [FORGE-1833] - Provide a JAX-RS Client API implementation
- [FORGE-1855] - Simple Container should support singleton services
- [FORGE-1861] - Having a cp command like in Forge 1.x
- [FORGE-1863] - Create a GenerateHashcodeEquals command inside the dev-tools-java addon.
- [FORGE-1866] - WriteableResource should expose the resource output stream
- [FORGE-1873] - Cannot install Addon from git with branch
- [FORGE-1879] - Missing a setter in the generated JSF Backing Bean
- [FORGE-1880] - Being able to add @Named to an EJBs... or any annotation anywhere
- [FORGE-1883] - Add resolveChildren(String) in Resource interface
- [FORGE-1887] - Unable to install the Arquillian add-on from Git
- [FORGE-1894] - AbstractFileResource.getChild() should not throw exceptions when children do not exist
- [FORGE-1895] - Furnace maven plugin should provide an option to clean the target repository before deploying
- [FORGE-1916] - Add versioning and exception handling to JAX-RS scaffolding
Quality Risk
- [FORGE-1872] - AddonRegistryIncompatibleServiceLookupTest fails when run in JDK 8
- [FORGE-1836] - Refactor towards JDK 1.7 enhancements
- [FORGE-1398] - Being able to create embeddables
- [FORGE-1821] - Download links on Forge 2 website should actually work and probably should automatically point to the latest release
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历史版本 :
JBoss Forge 3.4.0.Final 发布,应用开发工具
Jboss Forge 3.3.2 Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.3.0 Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.2.3.Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.2.1.Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.2.0.Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.0.1.Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.0.0.Final 发布
JBoss Forge 3.0.0.CR1 发布
JBoss Forge 3.0.0 第 4 个 Beta 测试版本发布
JBoss Forge 3.0.0.Beta3 发布
JBoss Forge 3.0.0.Beta2 发布,快速应用开发工具