发布于 2014-07-23 00:27:58 | 193 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的Android Studio教程,程序狗速度看过来!
Android Studio Android 开发环境
Android Studio 是一个全新的 Android 开发环境,基于IntelliJ IDEA. 类似 Eclipse ADT,Android Studio 提供了集成的 Android 开发工具用于开发和调试
Android Studio 0.8.3 发布,改进内容包括:
Bug fixes (0.8.2 contained only critical fixes; this release contains a larger set of fixes)
Integrated recent IntelliJ 13.1 EAP builds. These are basically bug fix builds.
Inspect theme attributes for quick documentation. If you invoke View > Quick Documentation (usually bound to F1) on for example ?android:textAppearanceLarge
you will see the theme inheritance hierarchy and resolved values for the various attributes that are pulled in:
Quickfixes for around 30 lint issues:
New Allocation Tracker integrated in the Android/DDMS window
Output window message filtering
No, the new Android project view (shown in the Google I/O Android Studio demo) is not in this build yet, but very soon now; we're hoping for later this week!