发布于 2014-07-29 23:58:50 | 242 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


OGLplus OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库

OGLplus (oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C++ 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让在 C++ 中使用 OpenGL 更加简单和安全。

OGLplus 0.49.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:

  • 缓存数据规范

    • The BufferSize and BufferData classes used for specifying GPU buffer size and data were added.

    • The Buffer::Data, Buffer::SubData and some other functions were changed to used the new classes.

    • In case of Buffer::SubData an interface-breaking change was made -- the offset is now specified in bytes.

    • The Buffer::Resize function for resizing of a GPU buffer without specifying the data was added.

    • The Buffer::RawData function for specifying untyped buffer data was added.

    • Similar changes were also made to the DSABuffer class.

  • 着色器源规范

    • The new GLSLString and GLSLStrings classes which serve as adapters for specifying GLSL shader source strings were added.

    • The constructors and some member functions of the GLSLSource class were updated.

    • The Shader::Source function and the constructors of ShaderProgram were updated to use the new classes.

  • 添加了绑定 GPU 程序的新函数

    • The Program::Build function checks all shaders attached to a Program and compiles those which are not yet compiled, befor linking the program.

  • 添加了 ARB_shading_language_include 扩展封装器

    • The NamedStringType enumeration and the NamedString class were added.

    • The Shader::CompileInclude and Program::BuildInclude functions were added which allow to compile shaders with #include directives.

  • 更新了现有的示例,展示最新的特性

  • Bug 修复

    • Negative indices are now supported by the ObjMesh shape loader.

    • Several problems in the build-system were fixed.

    • Some bugs in the OGLplus examples were fixed.

Breaking changes

  • As mentioned above the offset parameter of Buffer::SubData is now specified in bytes (by using the BufferSize class) instead of units of the uploaded data type.

OGLplus (oglplus) 是一个仅包含头文件的 C++ 语言库,用于实现一个瘦面向对象的 OpenGL 门面操作接口,提供了自动资源和对象管理的封装,让在 C++ 中使用 OpenGL 更加简单和安全。


历史版本 :
OGLplus 0.65.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.64.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.63.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.62.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.61.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.60.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.59.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.58.1 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.58.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.56.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.55.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
OGLplus 0.54.0 发布,OpenGL 的 C++ 封装库
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