发布于 2014-08-18 23:31:28 | 332 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Spring Security Spring安全框架
Spring Security是一个能够为基于Spring的企业应用系统提供声明式的安全访问控制解决方案的安全框架。它提供了一组可以在Spring应用上下文中配置的Bean,充分利用了Spring IoC,DI(控制反转Inverse of Control ,DI:Dependency Injection 依赖注入)和AOP(面向切面编程)功能,为应用系统提供声明式的安全访问控制功能,减少了为企业系统安全控制编写大量重复代码的工作。
Spring Security 4.0.0.M2 发布,现已提供在 Spring Milestone repository。
Spring Security是一个能够为基于Spring的企业应用系统提供声明式的安全访问控制解决方案的安全框架。它提供了一组可以在Spring应用上下文中配置的Bean,充分利用了Spring IoC,DI(控制反转Inverse of Control ,DI:Dependency Injection 依赖注入)和AOP(面向切面编程)功能,为应用系统提供声明式的安全访问控制功能,减少了为企业系统安全控制编写大量重复代码的工作。
Support for WebSocket Security using Spring's messaging abstraction
Spring Data integration
Spring Session was produced out of the work necessary for this release. In an application server independent way you can easily use a custom backend (i.e. Redis) as the HttpSession
implementation. See the project page for additional features of this exciting new project.
Enhancements and fixes to the testing support
Easier integration with MockMvc
through SecurityMockMvcConfigurers
You no longer need to specify WithSecurityContextTestExecutionListener
on your tests
works even with custom SecurityContextRepository
Support for digest and certificate based authentication testing
Support nested static groups in LDAP Authentication
Lots of integration tests added to the sample applications
Updated minimum version of Spring 4.1 RC2. This was necessary for enough of the features, that it made sense to do across the board