发布于 2014-08-28 04:56:42 | 109 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的CoffeeScript 中文手册,程序狗速度看过来!
CoffeeScript是一套JavaScript的转译语言,创建者 Jeremy Ashkenas 戏称它是- JavaScript 的不那么铺张的小兄弟。因为 CoffeeScript 会将类似 Ruby 语法的代码编译成 JavaScript,而且大部分结构都相似,但不同的是 CoffeeScript 拥有更严格的语法。
CoffeeScript 1.8 发布啦,现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
The --join option of the CLI is now deprecated.
Source maps now use .js.map as file extension, instead of just .map.
The CLI now exits with the exit code 1 when it fails to write a file to disk.
The compiler no longer crashes on unterminated, single-quoted strings.
Fixed location data for string interpolations, which made source maps out of sync.
The error marker in error messages is now correctly positioned if the code is indented with tabs.
Fixed a slight formatting error in CoffeeScript’s source map-patched stack traces.
The %% operator now coerces its right operand only once.
It is now possible to require CoffeeScript files from Cakefiles without having to register the compiler first.
The CoffeeScript REPL is now exported and can be required using require 'coffee-script/repl'.
Fixes for the REPL in Node 0.11.
CoffeeScript这一门编程语言构建在JavaScript之上,其被编译成高效的JavaScript,这样你就可以在web浏览器上运 行它,或是通过诸如用于服务器端应用的Node.js一类的技术来使用它。编译过程通常都很简单,产生出来的JavaScript与许多的最佳做法都保持 了一致。