发布于 2014-09-05 05:24:28 | 119 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Piwik Web统计软件
Piwik是一个PHP和MySQL的开放源代码的Web统计软件. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等…
Piwik 2.6.0 发布,此版本重点关注可用性,可靠性的改进,并在核心平台上提供更好的 API。
此版本是有 7 位贡献者,关闭了 48 个 tickets!
Piwik 2.6.0 改善了核心 APIs,废弃了部分 API(忽略 JSON 格式),添加了一个新命令(可以执行计划任务),更新了相关文档,还有一些内部改进。
-> Check out this CHANGELOG.md file
注意:Marketplace 展示示例包含 Piwik 超过 23 个插件扩展,这仅仅是开始!
How to create a scheduled task – Introducing the Piwik Platform
How to create a custom theme in Piwik – Introducing the Piwik Platform
How do I configure my Piwik server to allow cross domain requests? (CORS)
It’s Piwik Analytics Survey time: Your Opinion Matters! or direct link to survey – maybe you could take 5 minutes to fill the survey?
LPiwik 2.6.0 改进列表:
#6089 Reports for today will be processed every 150 seconds instead of previous default 10s (real time reports)
#5977 When there are many goals, show them grouped in a selector [by @tsteur]
#5982 PiwikDebugger: a new plugin to debug a Piwik instance without FTP access (troubleshooting toolkit).
#5989 Let users define a Goal as “Goal is triggered when visitor send an Event” [by @tsteur]
#6045 Add hooks to Live plugin and let other plugins extend it [by @tsteur]
#6071 Use an event to collect visitor information and made sure UI works even when minimum plugins are enabled [by @tsteur]
#5414 Entering Settings doesn’t work after update to 2.4.0 [by @tsteur]
#5850 Piwik.js JS tracker: allow developer to pass a ‘callback’ argument [by @Sija, @mattab]
#5863 Split core language files into plugins where possible [by @tsteur]
#6035 Fix xhprof integration, install xhprof through composer and build xhprof through composer. [by @diosmosis]
#6036 Enables code coverage reports using coveralls.io [by @sgiehl]
#5924 Let Piwik admins run the `core:archive` through the browser
#5952 Error when switching ‘report tables’ view of DBStats plugin to pie chart [by @tsteur]
#5970 Unexpected hijacking user after clicking on sparkline and chart [by @tsteur]
#5971 Unclear indication of current state of Real-time widget [by @tsteur]
#5973 Lack of “Cancel” option when editing users [by @tsteur]
#5993 Add FAQ to explain how to configure CORS Cross-origin resource sharing hosts
#5990 Duplicated “create new goal” text
#5995 Fix XHProf implementation [by @diosmosis, @tsteur, @mattab]
#6011 Find only components and settings of activated plugins [by @tsteur]
#6012 Make ./console core:archive work on CGI (use case 1&1 hosting/managed server) [by @tsteur]
#6013 /misc/cron/archive.php mistake web execution for command line [by @tsteur]
#6014 “The string Goals_Ecommerce was not loaded in javascript” … Massive Error message on “Websites Management” [by @tsteur]
#6024 Switch to composer for autoloading. [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
#6025 On version 2.5.0 under the “Event Actions” report, the second-level aggregate table is now showing “Unique Visitors”, it used to be “Total Events” [by @tsteur]
#6026 Goals condition and examples do not update when creating/editing a goal [by @tsteur]
#6028 Field ‘location_browser_lang’ doesn’t have a default value In query [by @tsteur, @mattab]
#6030 Object of class PiwikPluginsProxyController could not be converted to string in core/FrontController.php on line 173 [by @mattab]
#6038 Theming – changing font variable does not work [by @tsteur]
#6043 fixed composer.json to download the same set of vendors as with use of c… [by @mgazdzik, @mattab]
#6048 Refactor piwikApi angularjs object to allow aborting individual requests and all requests. [by @diosmosis]
#6057 Bug in JSON renderer renders simple associative array as indexed array containing object. [by @diosmosis]
#6059 Move translations from core to plugins and cache all plugin translations for better performance [by @tsteur]
#6065 Cache list of Tracker plugins in tracker than config file [by @tsteur]
#6066 Move JSON format bug fixes to new JSON2 format so existing clients will not fail. [by @diosmosis]
#6067 at installation step 2, warning message: “GET request to piwik.php failed.” [by @mattab]
#6070 When a Goal is matching a pattern containing <, >, ‘, ” goal will not match [by @mattab]
#6072 dynamically detect tracker plugins and cache them instead of using config [by @tsteur, @mattab]
#6084 Removing pre PHP 5.3 checks (SPL ArrayObject) [by @ThaDafinser, @mattab]
#6086 2.6b1: API returned an error: Date format.. [by @diosmosis]
#6092 After updating to 2.5.0 the plugin page don’t work [by @diosmosis]
#6102 Processed report does not add all metrics to columns [by @tsteur]
#6107 xhprof removed their composer.json file, adding it to our composer.json file so we can still use composer to manage xhprof [by @diosmosis]
#6112 Fix getProcessedReport does not include all metrics in columns [by @tsteur]
#6117 [automatic translation update] Updated 129 strings in 6 languages (fa, tr, ru, cs, ja, nl) [by @sgiehl]
Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。