发布于 2014-09-13 01:28:13 | 168 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Redis Key-Value数据库
Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。
NoSQL Redis 2.8.15发布。2014-09-13。高性能KV数据库。上个版本2014-09-01的2.8.14.遗留版本2.6.17。新特性包括可装载截断 的AOF文件而无需redis-check-aof,Sentinel部分增强及一些Bug修正等。开发版3.0已经发布到Beta8。
Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。
--[ Redis 2.8.15 ] Release date: 12 Sep 2014 # UPGRADE URGENCY: LOW for Redis, HIGH for Sentinel. * [FIX] Sentinel critical bug fixed: the absolute majority was computed in a wrong way because of a programming error. Now the implementation does what the specification says and the majority to authorize a failover (that should not be confused with the ODOWN quorum) is the majority of *all* the Sentinels ever seen for a given master, regardless of their current state. * [FIX] GETRANGE test no longer fails for 32 bit builds (Matt Stancliff). * [FIX] Limit SCAN latency when the hash table is in an odd state (very few populted buckets because rehashing is in progress). (Xiaost and Salvatore Sanfilippo) * [NEW] Redis is now able to load truncated AOF files without requiring a redis-check-aof utility run. The default now is to load truncated (but apparently not corrupted) AOFs, you can change this in redis.conf. (Salvatore Sanfilippo). * [NEW] Sentinel: ability to announce itself with an arbitrary IP/port to work in the context of natted networks. However this is probably still not enough since there is no equivalent mechanism for slaves listed in the master INFO output. (Dara Kong and Salvatore Sanfilippo)