发布于 2014-09-17 00:31:19 | 124 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Redis Key-Value数据库
Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。
NoSQL Redis 2.8.15发布。2014-09-16。高性能KV数据库。上个版本2014-09-13的2.8.15.遗留版本2.6.17。紧急修正了 2.8.15中引入的一个AOF文件截断增强以及redis-check-aof相关的Bug。开发版3.0已经发布到Beta8。
Redis是一个开源的使用ANSI C语言编写、支持网络、可基于内存亦可持久化的日志型、Key-Value数据库,并提供多种语言的API。
--[ Redis 2.8.16 ] Release date: 16 Sep 2014 # UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH for Redis if you are using 2.8.15 + AOF. LOW for Sentinel. * [FIX] The ability to load truncated AOF files introduced with Redis 2.8.15 contains a bug fixed in this release: after loading the file was not truncated to the last valid command, so the new commands are appended after a non well formed command. This means that: 1) The first AOF rewrite triggered by the server will automatically fix the problem. 2) However, if the server is restarted before the rewrite, Redis may not be able to load the file and you need to manually fix it. In order to fix a corrupted file you should start the redis-check-aof utility WITHOUT the --fix option, just to check the offset where the corruption is found. Around the offset reported by the check utility you'll find, inside your AOF file, a command which is not complete according to the Redis protocol. Just remove this incomplete command leafing the file unaltered before and after the offending command, and restart the server. IMPORTANT #1: Redis 2.8.15 is the only stable version of Redis with this bug so probably no actual real-world problem happened since the problem is automatically fixed at the first automatic AOF rewrite. IMPORTANT #2: Before upgrading to Redis 2.8.16, if you are using Redis 2.8.15 with AOF enabled, make sure to trigger a manual AOF rewrite using the BGREWRITEAOF command. * [FIX] SAVE is no longer propagated to AOF / slaves.