发布于 2014-09-18 23:20:38 | 287 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Review Board 开源Code Review平台
Review Board是一套成熟的开源code review平台,目前已在业内得到广泛的使用。基本可以用于review任何代码和文件。codereview 属于代码配置管理范畴。codereview需要配合SVNClient来使用,因为当post diff代码时会调用SVN相关命令。
Reviewboard 2.0.7 发布了,改进内容如下:
The experimental per-repository incoming webhooks for marking pushed changes as submitted have changed.
The interdiff_revision query field on Diff Context Resource has been renamed to interdiff-revision.
Improved the security and setup of per-repository incoming webhooks.
Added simple RBTools configuration instructions for repositories.
Added additional debug information for HTTP 500 error e-mails.
The New Review Request page now displays helpful error messages when failing to load branches or commits from the server.
The ?to-groups= query on Review Request List Resource now works with Local Sites. (Bug #3539)
The interdiff_revision query field on Diff Context Resource has been renamed to interdiff-revision.
Authenticating with a garbage “Authorization” header now properly logs the failure and returns an Unauthorized code, instead of crashing.
Issuing a PUT request on Review Request Resource and specifying a change number for a review request without a repository no longer results in an error.
Fixed deprecation warning log messages involving mimetypes.
Fixed the “Get Support” link when on Local Sites.
Removed the maximum password length when registering new accounts.
The Dashboard no longer initially appears squashed when loading the page.
The reply draft banner now smoothly scrolls with the page, and doesn’t cause stutters when reaching the end of the review.
Review request e-mails no longer contain extra blank lines in blocks of text, like the review request Description or Testing Done fields.
The associated commit ID is now removed when discarding a review request, preventing conflicts when posting a new review request with the same commit ID.
Posting a change with a commit ID will now fail gracefully if another draft has the same commit ID, instead of breaking on publish. (Bug #3508)
Closed review requests must now be reopened before uploading a new diff.
Fixed the display of the file attachment caption editor for newly uploaded file attachments.
Fixed links to files on newly uploaded file attachments.
The drag-and-drop indicator on a review request is now only shown if the review request is editable by the user. (Bug #3542)
Patch by David Kus.
Fixed the size of single-line text fields on Firefox.
Fixed JavaScript errors when resizing the page.
“Review request changed” boxes showing changes on text fields that were provided by extensions no longer break the page if the text field was previously empty. (Bug #3549)
Fixed links to uploaded file attachments and users when using Local Sites.
Users who are admins on Local Sites will no longer see “Delete Permanently” under the Close menu.
Fixed showing interdiffs between diffs uploaded before Review Board 2.0.x and diffs uploaded after.
Fixed JavaScript errors when changing diff revisions too fast. (Bug #3514)
Fixed issues caching large rendered diff fragments.
Fixed a UnicodeWarning log message that could result when generating diffs.
Listed commits no longer link to review requests that happen to have the same commit ID but are on different repositories. (Bug #3545)
Fixed automating rb-site install without specifying a company name or administrator e-mail address. (Bug #3544)
Fixed hosting service account associations when configuring certain repositories.
When configuring new or existing repositories to be backed by a hosting service, the account information wouldn’t always stay associated. This would happen for Google Code, Codebase HQ, Fedora Hosted, and Gitorious repositories.
Existing repositories that were previously configured against one of these hosting services should be re-configured to set the service’s information again.
Fixed the sporadic existence of incoming per-repository webhook URLs.
The first few requests made to a per-repository webhook URL could fail if that web server thread or process hadn’t already performed operations involving repositories or hosting services. The URLs, in this case, weren’t even registered yet. They’re now all registered when first initializing Review Board.
Fixed per-repository webhook URLs for Local Sites.
Fixed the condensediffs management command on Python 2.6.
Fixed the default crontab entry for clearing sessions to not use a deprecated command. (Bug #3535)
Patch by Barret Rennie.
Fixed breakages when posting parent diffs using Mercurial.
Patch by Steven MacLeod.
Fixed accepting certificates for Perforce repositories. (Bug #3512)
Fixed the display of some obscure-looking error messages (such as “callback_get_login required”).
Review Board是一套成熟的开源code review平台,目前已在业内得到广泛的使用。基本可以用于review任何代码和文件。codereview 属于代码配置管理范畴。codereview需要配合SVNClient来使用,因为当post diff代码时会调用SVN相关命令。
Review Board起源于VMware的一些开发者。它基于Django,你可以把它安装在自己的服务器上,工作流和Rietveld极为类似。令人高兴的是它提 供了在diffs里进行语法彩色编码,使得代码阅读变得简便。此外,它还实现了基于Lucene的搜索来帮助管理较大的diffs组。
Review Board在审查补丁(Patch)方面表现完美。一个叫做“提交审查”的工具被用来和SCM系统进行连接(当前支持SVN、CVS、Perforce、Git和Mercurial等),可以允许你请求一个将被提交的修改的审查。用户基础页面将这个过程描述如下: