发布于 2014-09-20 23:52:14 | 453 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
SonarQube Flex 2.1 发布,此版本添加了 15 个新规则,同时也修复了一些 bug。
[SONARFLEX-1] - Class complexity should not include complexity of function declared outside the class.
[SONARFLEX-2] - Import of coverage result does not work in multi-language mode
[SONARFLEX-3] - Rule "Function names should comply with a naming convention" should not be applied for constructors.
[SONARFLEX-37] - Rule: Cases in a "(switch|Select Case)" should not have the same condition
[SONARFLEX-19] - Update rule: "Classes should not have too many methods"
[SONARFLEX-20] - Display "sonar.flex.cobertura.reportPath" on the web interface
[SONARFLEX-21] - Remove ".mxml" from default list of file suffixes
[SONARFLEX-38] - Upgrade sonarqube dependency to last LTS 3.7
[SONARFLEX-40] - Update sqale model
[SONARFLEX-4] - Rule: "Unused local variables should be removed"
[SONARFLEX-6] - Rule: "Functions should not have too many lines"
[SONARFLEX-7] - Rule "Copyright and license headers should be defined in all source files"
[SONARFLEX-8] - Rule: "Classes should be documented"
[SONARFLEX-9] - Rule: "Identical switch cases"
[SONARFLEX-10] - Rule: ""MovieClip.onEnterFrame" function should not be used"
[SONARFLEX-11] - Rule: "Methods should not be empty"
[SONARFLEX-12] - Rule: "Use variable in for loop condition"
[SONARFLEX-14] - Rule: "The "trace" function should not be used"
[SONARFLEX-15] - Rule: "Avoid Object instanciation in loop"
[SONARFLEX-16] - Rule: "Class should not have too many fields"
[SONARFLEX-17] - Rule: "Nested switch"
[SONARFLEX-18] - Update rule: 'The "Object" type should not be used when creating a new variable'
[SONARFLEX-22] - Rule: "Public types, methods and fields (API) should be documented with Javadoc"
[SONARFLEX-26] - Rule "Unused function parameters should be removed"
[SONARFLEX-33] - Rule: " Function must have access modifier"
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