发布于 2014-09-24 04:23:27 | 142 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Piwik Web统计软件
Piwik是一个PHP和MySQL的开放源代码的Web统计软件. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等…
Piwik 2.7.0 发布,此版本包括一些重要的新特性,还有许多小的改进。此版本总共关闭了 63 个 tickets,一共有 15 位贡献者参与开发。
User ID
New Pivot Table feature for Events reports
new plugin to count users visiting several of your websites
new Content Tracking plugin (more info and user guide will be released soon)
new Browser language Report listing the user language codes
更多内容请看下面的 issues 列表:
#3490 User ID feature: Accurate User detection across devices [by @mattab, @tsteur]
#6162 New metric ‘nb_users’ counting the number of Active Unique Users (the count of distinct User IDs set) [by @mattab]
#6082 Cross websites reporting: Let me see the number of users who browsed two websites (new InterSites Piwik plugin!)
#5976 Make it easier to discover and access reports footer options and icons [by @diosmosis]
#5355 Show [+] icon in the reports rows when the row can be expanded [by @diosmosis]
#6078 Event reporting: new report to view the second dimension as columns (Pivot by second dimension) [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#6097 Browser language reporting: Let me see the different language codes [by @vox3r, @mattab]
#6132 Allow opt-out to be shown within an iframe on other domains [by @Guite, @mattab]
#5923 As a Piwik admin, I want to disable ability for users to create segments for “All Websites” [by @diosmosis]
#5932 invalidateArchivedReports should not delete the data but invalidate it until re-processed [by @mattab]
#5933 New $period parameter to the API call CoreAdminHome.invalidateArchivedReports [by @mattab]
#6231 Log Analytics: new parameter –download-extensions to override list of files tracked as downloads [by @postalservice14, @mattab]
#5972 Wrong default date when adding annotations [by @tsteur]
#4302 Setup Coveralls for Piwik Code coverage report [by @sgiehl]
#6275 Display a warning in admin to super users in case PHP 5.3 is used [by @tsteur, @mattab]
#344 Changed JavaScript Tracking Code generation to use “//” [by @Irrational86, @mattab]
#6174 Add ‘Disable all cookies’ checkbox in the JavaScript Tracking code generator [by @sgiehl]
#6034 Add an icon next to “Segments” box [by @diosmosis]
#6056 display permanent notification to Super Users in admin screen for PHP 5.3 warning about EOL [by @tsteur, @mattab]
#6243 Adding new PivotByDimension DataTable filter that can pivot a report by (almost) any dimension. [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#6079 Archiver: allow to process unique visitors across multiple websites [by @diosmosis]
#6109 Tracker API: cid parameter no longer requires token_auth [by @mattab]
#6116 Allow invalidated archive data to be used until they are re-processed [by @mkurzeja, @mattab]
#6120 Log analytics : import_logs.py doesn’t work any more
#6124 insight select options: all option not working after you switch to another option [by @tsteur]
#6128 problem with opt-out-iframe: when calling forwarded to log-in-screen with “idSite= is missing” [by @diosmosis]
#6131 Log Analytics Update README add regex example for syslog format [by @ahattouti-canaltp, @halfdan]
#6134 Upgrade from 2.5.0 to 2.6.1. breaks [by @diosmosis]
#6137 PHP Arrays not Serialized by Default [by @claytondaley, @MichielDeMey, @mattab]
#6140 Make it easier to define URLs for Menu and remove an unnessary parameter [by @tsteur]
#6145 Generate plugin should no longer ask whether it should also create an API and a controller [by @tsteur]
#6149 When generating a plugin we should require at least the developer’s Piwik version [by @tsteur]
#6153 Menu: If development mode is enabled we should check whether action exists [by @tsteur]
#6155 Php serializer was not serializing arrays by default. [by @claytondaley, @mattab]
#6175 Deprecate new_visit_api_requires_admin config setting [by @mattab]
#6178 Bug: on hover of table rows incorrect jquery selector will result in size of value spans being same as largest label [by @diosmosis]
#6185 Clean up arobases [by @kylekatarnls]
#6190 fixes #6174 – added possibility to add ‘disableCookies’ option in trackinking code generator [by @sgiehl]
#6192 Let Segments define a callback to use for suggested values in segment editor [by @czolnowski, @mattab]
#6193 Add angularjs code to open and close dialogs. [by @diosmosis]
#6199 Implementation of new Browser Reports by Language and Language code [by @vox3r, @mattab]
#6211 Replace header() with Common::sendHeader() when possible [by @kylekatarnls, @mattab]
#6213 Add option to disable menu title change after click position in top menu. [by @czolnowski, @mattab]
#6221 Refs #6078, extract factory logic from Report::factory and move to ComponentFactory utility class. [by @diosmosis]
#6233 #6232 getExpiresHeaderForFutureDay should be static [by @kylekatarnls, @mattab]
#6235 Fix one unit test in PHP 5.6 allow charset complement in content-type [by @kylekatarnls, @mattab]
#6237 use php_uname() instead of shell_exec(‘uname’) [by @hdi-kw, @mattab]
#6245 HTML scheduled report does not render in browser [by @mattab]
#6246 german i18n mixed up after Update to 2.6(.1)
#6276 The import_logs.py script does not treat “.apk” files as downloads [by @andrejb, @mattab]
#6277 Fix import_logs.py apk downloads (#6276). [by @andrejb, @mattab]
#4074 Use PSR-4 for autoloader
#5373 Argument 1 passed to PiwikAPIDataTableManipulatorReportTotalsCalculator::hasDataTableMetric() must be an instance of PiwikDataTable, instance of PiwikDataTableMap given [by @tsteur]
#6136 Fixed typo in README [by @MichielDeMey, @halfdan]
#5965 Improve detection of proc filesystem that works despite potential open_b… [by @snout1979, @mattab]
#6143 [automatic translation update] Updated 62 strings in 1 languages (cs) [by @sgiehl]
#6208 [automatic translation update] Updated 510 strings in 9 languages (pl, fr, de, it, ja, nb, tr, da, el) [by @sgiehl]
#6240 [automatic translation update] Updated 131 strings in 6 languages (cs, da, de, el, pl, sv) [by @sgiehl]
Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。