发布于 2014-11-27 03:26:51 | 301 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的Bootstrap v3教程,程序狗速度看过来!
Bootstrap Web前端CSS框架
Bootstrap是Twitter推出的一个开源的用于前端开发的工具包。它由Twitter的设计师Mark Otto和Jacob Thornton合作开发,是一个CSS/HTML框架。Bootstrap提供了优雅的HTML和CSS规范,它即是由动态CSS语言Less写成。Bootstrap一经推出后颇受欢迎,一直是GitHub上的热门开源项目,包括NASA的MSNBC(微软全国广播公司)的Breaking News都使用了该项目。
Bootstrap 3.3.1 发布,此版本现已提供下载(v3.3.1.zip),
Bootstrap 3.3.1 主要是 CSS 和 JS 的 bug 修复,大量的访问性改进和一些文档改进。更多内容请看更新日志或者 v3.3.1 milestone。
Bootstrap是Twitter推出的一个开源的用于前端开发的工具包。它由Twitter的设计师Mark Otto和Jacob Thornton合作开发,是一个CSS/HTML框架。Bootstrap提供了优雅的HTML和CSS规范,它即是由动态CSS语言Less写成。Bootstrap一经推出后颇受欢迎,一直是GitHub上的热门开源项目,包括NASA的MSNBC(微软全国广播公司)的Breaking News都使用了该项目。
#14234: Drop the IE specific hacks for temporal inputs and replace with a Safari media query hack to avoid the IE problems altogether.
#15086: Don't remove focus outline from buttons in button groups.
#14915: Properly color badges in.activeitem of<ul>-based list groups.
#15052: Fix active styles when in non-anchor.list-group-item.
#14979: Override.jumbotronpadding within.container-fluidto match.container.
#14965: Resetborder-radiuson top corners on dropdown menus in fixed bottom navbars.
#14936, #15019: Fix some bugs in and deprecate diagonal placement classes for tooltips.
#15046: Add full font overrides for popovers and tooltips.
#14381: Correctly override active dropdown items in collapsed navbars in the theme.
#15018: Correctly override active dropdown items in collapsed navbars.
#14925: Make button plugin's focus shim recognizefocusinevent in addition tofocusevent.
#14931: Add workaround for seemingly spurious tooltip viewport unit test failures on iOS 8.
#14927: Fix modal backdrop overlaying the modal's scrollbar.
#14933: Center modal at all times.
#14993: Have Carousel ignore keyboard events emited by<input>s or<textarea>s.
#15088: Dropdown: Ignore keydown events coming frominputs andtextareas.
#14951: Assorted accessibility (and some consistency) fixes.
#15087: Wash-up of some stray dropdown examples' ARIA roles.
#14949: Explain issue bots & PR bots inCONTRIBUTING.md.
#14959: Mention common contributor mistakes inCONTRIBUTING.md.
#14917: Use HTML5<footer>tag in examples.
#14945: Replace deprecated uses of.pull-left&.pull-rightin.mediadocs.
#14986: Mention Safari font size issues with fixed-width.containers in Printing docs.
#14989: Addevent.relatedTarget+data-*example of how to vary modal content based on which button activated the modal.
#15015: Add initialization examples to tooltip and popover "Opt-in functionality" callouts.
#15077: Document required.activeclass on one carousel slide.
#14954: Fixconfig.jsonfile upload widget event listener.
#14980: Integrate Autoprefixer into the Customizer.
#15031: Remove file type check from config import.
#15072: HTML validation:X-UA-Compatiblenow validates, so remove it from the list of ignored errors.
Update devDependencies