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Microsoft 微软

Microsoft 即 微软 。微软 (Microsoft),是一家总部位于美国的跨国电脑科技公司,是世界PC(Personal Computer,个人计算机)机软件开发的先导,由比尔·盖茨与保罗·艾伦创始于1975年,公司总部设立在华盛顿州的雷德蒙德市(Redmond,邻近西雅图)。以研发、制造、授权和提供广泛的电脑软件服务业务为主。


Microsoft 即 微软 。微软 (Microsoft),是一家总部位于美国的跨国电脑科技公司,是世界PC(Personal Computer,个人计算机)机软件开发的先导,由比尔·盖茨与保罗·艾伦创始于1975年,公司总部设立在华盛顿州的雷德蒙德市(Redmond,邻近西雅图)。以研发、制造、授权和提供广泛的电脑软件服务业务为主。



   1. Selection sort 80 items, after 32 iterations, how many positions of items are determined?


   2. Which is used in sync process//thread in operation system?

   A. Mutex B.mailbox C.Semaphore D.local procedure call

   Choose: AC

   3. Size of a stack is 5, input is a sequence 1, 2, …, 7, which is possible output?

   A. 1234567 B. 7654321 C.5643721 D. 1765432 E. 3217564

   Choose: AC

   4. 010111001 * 011001 + 1101110 = ?

   A. 0001010000111111 B. 0101011101110011 C. 0011010000110101

   Choose: A

   5. What is the output of the follow code?

   void main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

   int i = 11;

   int const *p = &i;



   A. 11 B. 12 C. Garbage value D. Comipler error E. None of above

   Choose: C

   6. Which code is correct?

   C. vector f() {

   vector v(3);

   return v;


   E. None of above

   Choose: C

   7. Which number has difference 78633 after 180-degree rotation?

   A. 60918 B.91086 C. 18609 D. 10968 E.86901

   Choose: D

   8 Which statement is true?

   A. Inorder and preorder can determine a Binary tree

   B. Postorder and preorder can determine a Binary tree

   C. For almost sorted array, Insertion sort is more efficient than Quicksort

   D. If T(n)=2T(n/2)+⊖(n), Then T(n)=⊖(nLogn)

   E. none of above

   Choose: ACD

   9. Which statement is true?

   A. Insertion and buble sort are not effient for large data sets

   B. The complexity of Quick Sort is O(n2) in worst case

   C. It is needed 6 swap operations to sort sequence 7,6,5,4,3,2,1(ascending) by Selection sort

   D. Heap sort has two operations: Insertion and root deletion

   E. None of above

   No choose

   12. The output of the following code is 0 20 1 20, what are the type of a and b?

   class Test{

   ____ int a;

   ____ int b;

   Test(int _a, int _b) {a = _a; b=_b;}


   void main() {

   Test t1(0, 0), t2(1,1);

   t1.b = 10;

   t2.b = 20;



   A. static/const B. const/static C. __/static D. const static/static E. None of


   Choose: C

   13. A 3-order B-tree has 2047 key words, what is the maximum height?

   A. 11 B. 12 C. 13 D. 14

   no choose

   14. Which can be used both to variable and function?

   A. static B. virtual C. extern D. inline E. const

   Choose: ACE

   15. What is the output of the follow code?

   char * f(char *str, char ch) {

   char *it1 = str;

   char *it2 = str;

   while(*it2 != '�') {

   while(*it2 == ch)




   *it1++ = *it2++;


   return str;


   int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

   char *a = new char[10];

   strcpy(a, "abcdcccd");


   return 0;


   A. abdcccd B. abdd C. abcc D. abddcccd E. Access violation

   Choose: D

   16. What is the complexity of the result call of power(b, e) in the follow code?

   int power(int b, int e) {

   if(e==0) return 1;

   if(e%2 == 0) return power(b*b, e/2);

   return b*power(b*b,e/2);


   A. logarithmic B. linear C. quadratic D. exponentical

   Choose: A

   17. Take 2 cards from one full poker(52 cards, 26 red and 26 black) and half poker each, what is the probability of the event that two cards are both red?

   A. 1/2,1/2 B. 25/102,12/50 C. 50/51, 24/25 D. 25/51,12/25 E. 25/51,1/2

   Choose: B

   18. How many kinds of output of stack with the input 1,2,…,n?

   B. C_2n^n-C_2n^(n+1) C. ((2n)!)/(n+1)n!n! D. n! E. none

   Choose: C

   19. What is the minimum time and space complexity to compute the Largest Increased Subsequence(LIS) of array?

   A. N^2,N^2 B. N^2,N C. NlogN,N D. N, N E. N,C

   Choose: C

   20. What is the output of the follow code?

   struct Item{

   char c;

   Item *next;


   Item* f1(Item* x){

   Item *prev = NULL;

   Item *curr = x;

   while(curr) { Item *next = curr->next;

   curr->next = prev;

   prev = curr;

   curr = next;


   return prev;


   void f2(Item *x){



   x = x->next;



   int main(int argc, char* argv[]){

   Item *x, d = {'d', NULL}, c = {'c', &d}, b = {'b', &c}, a = {'a', &b};

   x = f1(&a);


   return 0;


   Choose: dcba

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