发布于 2014-12-25 01:16:23 | 1215 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



亚马逊公司(Amazon,简称亚马逊;NASDAQ:AMZN),是美国最大的一家网络电子商务公司,位于华盛顿州的西雅图。是网络上最早开始经营电子商务的公司之一,亚马逊成立于1995年,一开始只经营网络的书籍销售业务,现在则扩及了范围相当广的其他产品,已成为全球商品品种最多的网上零售商和全球第二大互联网企业,在公司名下,也包括了AlexaInternet、a9、lab126、和互联网电影数据库(Internet Movie Database,IMDB)等子公司。


A standard 52-card deck, which contains 2, 3, …, J, Q, K, A. Pick four cards from the deck as a hand. Provide a function to figure out who is the winner of given two hands.

There are different types:

T1. Any four cards of the same rank. In this type, the bigger card decides who wins.

For example: 3,3,3,3< 6,6,6,6

T2. Any string with all four cards, and in such case (consecutive), ‘A’ can count as either a high or a low card. Otherwise, A is a highest card. In this type, the highest card decides who wins.

For example: A,2,3,4< J,Q,K,A

T3. Any three cards of the same rank, In this type, the higher three same cards wins.

For example: 3,3,3,2> 2,2,2,A

T4. Any two cards of the same rank together with another two cards of the same rank. In this type, if two hands share same higher Pair, the bigger another Pair decides who wins. Otherwise, bigger Pair wins.

For example: 3,3,4,4> 4,2,4,2

T5. Any two cards of the same rank. In this type, bigger Pair wins. If two hands share same Pair, the bigger Third decides who wins. Otherwise, the bigger Fourth wins.

For example: 3,3,7,4< 3,3,7,5

T6. Any hand not in the above-mentioned hands. In this type, the highest card decides who wins.

For example: A,K,Q,9< 10,Q,A,K

We don’t take the suit into consideration. If two hands in different type, the rule is: T1>T2>T3>T4>T5>T6

You will get two lines as input:



You should output the result:


If the first two line is bigger than the second line, the result should be 1. If the first line is smaller than the second line, the result should be -1. If they are equal, you should return 0.

If a participator cheats in this game, the number of the same card will be more than four in the two hands. In this case, you should return -2.

Symmetric number is a kind of non-negative number which looks the same as its inversion. For example, ”12321”is a symmetric number. Given any number n represented by a string, find the next symmetric number which is bigger than n.

Here are two examples,

Sample 1:





Sample 2:







Common Ancestor(Programming)


A endless Complete Trinary Tree. Node ID is its back-and-forth order in level travel. Find the closest common ancestor.

(“Complete Trinary” means each node has three children, neither more or less)


The node 13 and 15 have a closest common parent12

The node 16 and 10 have a closest common parent 1

If one Node is the ancestor of the another one, that Node is the closest common ancestor.


You will get two Nodes’ ID like:

13  9


You should return the closest common parent node ID like:



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