发布于 2015-05-17 01:22:26 | 159 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
IO.js 服务器端 JS 引擎
IO.js 是为 V8 引擎编写的基于事件 IO 的实现。io.js可以说是彻底从NodeJS里分离出来的一条分支。既然是分支,io.js便也基本兼容NodeJS的各种API,连执行指令也依旧兼容Node的 node XXX (新指令是 iojs XXX )。不过io.js采纳了最新版本的V8引擎,并也将会时刻跟进V8的更新,也因此我们可以轻松地在io.js上抢先使用那些JavaScript ECMA-262规范上的新特性。
io.js 2.0.2 发布,此版本值得关注的改进如下:
win,node-gyp: the delay-load hook for windows addons has now been correctly enabled by default, it had wrongly defaulted to off in the release version of 2.0.0 (Bert Belder) #1433
os: tmpdir()
's trailing slash stripping has been refined to fix an issue when the temp directory is at '/'. Also considers which slash is used by the operating system. (cjihrig) #1673
tls: default ciphers have been updated to use gcm and aes128 (Mike MacCana) #1660
build: v8 snapshots have been re-enabled by default as suggested by the v8 team, since prior security issues have been resolved. This should give some perf improvements to both startup and vm context creation. (Trevor Norris) #1663
src: fixed preload modules not working when other flags were used before --require
(Yosuke Furukawa) #1694
dgram: fixed send()
's callback not being asynchronous (Yosuke Furukawa) #1313
readline: emitKeys now keeps buffering data until it has enough to parse. This fixes an issue with parsing split escapes. (Alex Kocharin) #1601
cluster: works now properly emit 'disconnect' to cluser.worker
(Oleg Elifantiev) #1386
events: uncaught errors now provide some context (Evan Lucas) #1654
IO.js 是为 V8 引擎编写的基于事件 IO 的实现。io.js可以说是彻底从NodeJS里分离出来的一条分支。既然是分支,io.js便也基本兼容NodeJS的各种API,连执行指令也依旧兼容Node的 node XXX (新指令是 iojs XXX )。不过io.js采纳了最新版本的V8引擎,并也将会时刻跟进V8的更新,也因此我们可以轻松地在io.js上抢先使用那些JavaScript ECMA-262规范上的新特性。
* `gcc` and `g++` 4.8 or newer, or
* `clang` and `clang++` 3.3 or newer
* Python 2.6 or 2.7
* GNU Make 3.81 or newer
* libexecinfo (FreeBSD and OpenBSD only)