发布于 2015-07-30 00:26:49 | 177 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Keycloak SSO 集成解决方案

Keycloak 是一个针对Web应用和 RESTful Web 服务提供 SSO 集成。基于 OAuth 2.0 和 JSON Web Token(JWT) 规范。目前用于实现 JBoss 与 Wildfly 通讯,但将来将为 Tomcat、Jetty、Node.js、Rails、Grails 等环境提供解决方案。

Keycloak 1.4.0.Final 发布,值得关注的更新如下:

  • Authentication and Required Actions SPI - We've create SPIs for authentication flows and required actions and made existing flows pluggable. Currently the flows are hard-coded, but can be configured to some extent. In the future we'll make it possible to define your own authentication flows, authenticators as well as required actions.

  • Service account - We've added support for clients to obtain tokens on behalf of themselves. These tokens can be obtained by using the Client Credentials Grant flow. In the future we'll add support for additional mechanisms to authenticate clients.

  • User impersonation - Admins can now impersonate users. This allows admins to login to applications as a specific user without knowing the users credentials.

  • Re-captcha for registration - Re-captcha can be enabled for the registration page.

  • Upgrade to WildFly 9.0.1.Final - Keycloak is now built on top of WildFly 9.0.1.Final.

  • More details on server info page - There's now a bit more details about the Keycloak server on the server info page in the admin console.

  • Improvements to admin console We've had the UXP experts look at our admin console and we've already done some improvements. Expect more fine tuning of the admin console in the future.


该版本下载请到:Keycloak website

Keycloak 是一个针对Web应用和 RESTful Web 服务提供 SSO 集成。基于 OAuth 2.0 和 JSON Web Token(JWT) 规范。目前用于实现 JBoss 与 Wildfly 通讯,但将来将为 Tomcat、Jetty、Node.js、Rails、Grails 等环境提供解决方案。

Keycloak 是一个为浏览器和 RESTful Web 服务提供 SSO 的集成。基于 OAuth 2.0 和 JSON Web  Token(JWT) 规范。最开始是面向 JBoss 和 Wildfly 通讯,但已经计划为其他诸如  Tomcat、Jetty、Node.js、Rails、Grails 等环境提供解决方案。

历史版本 :
Keycloak 3.4.3.Final 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.4.2.Final 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.4.1.Final 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.4.1.CR1 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.4.0.Final 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.4.0.CR1 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.3.0.Final 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.2.1.Final 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.2.0 最终版发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.2.0.CR1 发布,身份和访问管理
Keycloak 3.1.0.Final 发布,SSO 集成解决方案
Keycloak 3.1.0.CR1 发布,SSO 集成解决方案
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