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发布于 2015-08-27 16:38:06 | 269 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

This step-by-step cookbook describes how to deploy a Symfony web application to Platform.sh. You can read more about using Symfony with Platform.sh on the official Platform.sh documentation.

Deploy an Existing Site

In this guide, it is assumed your codebase is already versioned with Git.

Get a Project on Platform.sh

You need to subscribe to a Platform.sh project. Choose the development plan and go through the checkout process. Once your project is ready, give it a name and choose: Import an existing site.

Prepare Your Application

To deploy your Symfony application on Platform.sh, you simply need to add a .platform.app.yaml at the root of your Git repository which will tell Platform.sh how to deploy your application (read more about Platform.sh configuration files).

# .platform.app.yaml

# This file describes an application. You can have multiple applications
# in the same project.

# The name of this app. Must be unique within a project.
name: myphpproject

# The toolstack used to build the application.
toolstack: "php:symfony"

# The relationships of the application with services or other applications.
# The left-hand side is the name of the relationship as it will be exposed
# to the application in the PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS variable. The right-hand
# side is in the form `<service name>:<endpoint name>`.
    database: "mysql:mysql"

# The configuration of app when it is exposed to the web.
    # The public directory of the app, relative to its root.
    document_root: "/web"
    # The front-controller script to send non-static requests to.
    passthru: "/app.php"

# The size of the persistent disk of the application (in MB).
disk: 2048

# The mounts that will be performed when the package is deployed.
    "/app/cache": "shared:files/cache"
    "/app/logs": "shared:files/logs"

# The hooks that will be performed when the package is deployed.
    build: |
      rm web/app_dev.php
      app/console --env=prod assetic:dump --no-debug
    deploy: |
      app/console --env=prod cache:clear

For best practices, you should also add a .platform folder at the root of your Git repository which contains the following files:

# .platform/routes.yaml
    type: upstream
    upstream: "php:php"
# .platform/services.yaml
    type: mysql
    disk: 2048

An example of these configurations can be found on GitHub. The list of available services can be found on the Platform.sh documentation.

Configure Database Access

Platform.sh overrides your database specific configuration via importing the following file:

// app/config/parameters_platform.php
$relationships = getenv("PLATFORM_RELATIONSHIPS");
    if (!$relationships) {

$relationships = json_decode(base64_decode($relationships), true);

foreach ($relationships['database'] as $endpoint) {
    if (empty($endpoint['query']['is_master'])) {

    $container->setParameter('database_driver', 'pdo_' . $endpoint['scheme']);
    $container->setParameter('database_host', $endpoint['host']);
    $container->setParameter('database_port', $endpoint['port']);
    $container->setParameter('database_name', $endpoint['path']);
    $container->setParameter('database_user', $endpoint['username']);
    $container->setParameter('database_password', $endpoint['password']);
    $container->setParameter('database_path', '');

# Store session into /tmp.
ini_set('session.save_path', '/tmp/sessions');

Make sure this file is listed in your imports:

# app/config/config.yml
    - { resource: parameters_platform.php }

Deploy your Application

Now you need to add a remote to Platform.sh in your Git repository (copy the command that you see on the Platform.sh web UI):

$ git remote add platform [PROJECT-ID]@git.[CLUSTER].platform.sh:[PROJECT-ID].git
Unique identifier of your project. Something like kjh43kbobssae
Server location where your project is deployed. It can be eu or us

Commit the Platform.sh specific files created in the previous section:

$ git add .platform.app.yaml .platform/*
$ git add app/config/config.yml app/config/parameters_platform.php
$ git commit -m "Adding Platform.sh configuration files."

Push your code base to the newly added remote:

$ git push platform master

That’s it! Your application is being deployed on Platform.sh and you’ll soon be able to access it in your browser.

Every code change that you do from now on will be pushed to Git in order to redeploy your environment on Platform.sh.

More information about migrating your database and files can be found on the Platform.sh documentation.

Deploy a new Site

You can start a new Platform.sh project. Choose the development plan and go through the checkout process.

Once your project is ready, give it a name and choose: Create a new site. Choose the Symfony stack and a starting point such as Standard.

That’s it! Your Symfony application will be bootstrapped and deployed. You’ll soon be able to see it in your browser.

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