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发布于 2015-08-27 16:48:49 | 132 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

Validates that a value is a valid email address. The underlying value is cast to a string before being validated.

Applies to property or method
Class Email
Validator EmailValidator

Basic Usage

  • YAML
    # src/Acme/BlogBundle/Resources/config/validation.yml
                - Email:
                    message: The email "{{ value }}" is not a valid email.
                    checkMX: true
  • Annotations
    // src/Acme/BlogBundle/Entity/Author.php
    namespace AcmeBlogBundleEntity;
    use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert;
    class Author
         * @AssertEmail(
         *     message = "The email '{{ value }}' is not a valid email.",
         *     checkMX = true
         * )
         protected $email;
  • XML
    <!-- src/Acme/BlogBundle/Resources/config/validation.xml -->
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <constraint-mapping xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/constraint-mapping"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/constraint-mapping http://symfony.com/schema/dic/constraint-mapping/constraint-mapping-1.0.xsd">
        <class name="AcmeBlogBundleEntityAuthor">
            <property name="email">
                <constraint name="Email">
                    <option name="message">The email "{{ value }}" is not a valid email.</option>
                    <option name="checkMX">true</option>
  • PHP
    // src/Acme/BlogBundle/Entity/Author.php
    namespace AcmeBlogBundleEntity;
    use SymfonyComponentValidatorMappingClassMetadata;
    use SymfonyComponentValidatorConstraints as Assert;
    class Author
        public static function loadValidatorMetadata(ClassMetadata $metadata)
            $metadata->addPropertyConstraint('email', new AssertEmail(array(
                'message' => 'The email "{{ value }}" is not a valid email.',
                'checkMX' => true,



type: boolean default: false

When false, the email will be validated against a simple regular expression. If true, then the egulias/email-validator library is required to perform an RFC compliant validation.


type: string default: This value is not a valid email address.

This message is shown if the underlying data is not a valid email address.


type: Boolean default: false

If true, then the checkdnsrr PHP function will be used to check the validity of the MX record of the host of the given email.


type: Boolean default: false

If true, then the checkdnsrr PHP function will be used to check the validity of the MX or the A or the AAAA record of the host of the given email.


type: mixed default: null

2.6 新版功能: The payload option was introduced in Symfony 2.6.

This option can be used to attach arbitrary domain-specific data to a constraint. The configured payload is not used by the Validator component, but its processing is completely up to.

For example, you may want to used several error levels to present failed constraint differently in the front-end depending on the severity of the error.

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