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发布于 2015-08-27 16:42:15 | 144 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理

The main motivation for writing an extension is to move often used code into a reusable class like adding support for internationalization. An extension can define tags, filters, tests, operators, global variables, functions, and node visitors.

Creating an extension also makes for a better separation of code that is executed at compilation time and code needed at runtime. As such, it makes your code faster.


Before writing your own extensions, have a look at the Twig official extension repository.

Create the Extension Class


This cookbook describes how to write a custom Twig extension as of Twig 1.12. If you are using an older version, please read Twig extensions documentation legacy.

To get your custom functionality you must first create a Twig Extension class. As an example you’ll create a price filter to format a given number into price:

// src/AppBundle/Twig/AppExtension.php
namespace AppBundleTwig;

class AppExtension extends Twig_Extension
    public function getFilters()
        return array(
            new Twig_SimpleFilter('price', array($this, 'priceFilter')),

    public function priceFilter($number, $decimals = 0, $decPoint = '.', $thousandsSep = ',')
        $price = number_format($number, $decimals, $decPoint, $thousandsSep);
        $price = '$'.$price;

        return $price;

    public function getName()
        return 'app_extension';


Along with custom filters, you can also add custom functions and register global variables.

Register an Extension as a Service

Now you must let the Service Container know about your newly created Twig Extension:

  • YAML
    # app/config/services.yml
            class: AppBundleTwigAppExtension
            public: false
                - { name: twig.extension }
  • XML
    <!-- app/config/services.xml -->
        <service id="app.twig_extension"
            <tag name="twig.extension" />
  • PHP
    // app/config/services.php
    use SymfonyComponentDependencyInjectionDefinition;
        ->register('app.twig_extension', 'AppBundleTwigAppExtension')


Keep in mind that Twig Extensions are not lazily loaded. This means that there’s a higher chance that you’ll get a ServiceCircularReferenceException or a ScopeWideningInjectionException if any services (or your Twig Extension in this case) are dependent on the request service. For more information take a look at How to Work with Scopes.

Using the custom Extension

Using your newly created Twig Extension is no different than any other:

{# outputs $5,500.00 #}
{{ '5500'|price }}

Passing other arguments to your filter:

{# outputs $5500,2516 #}
{{ '5500.25155'|price(4, ',', '') }}

Learning further

For a more in-depth look into Twig Extensions, please take a look at the Twig extensions documentation.

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