发布于 2015-08-30 07:59:32 | 291 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
You want to use Cython to make a Python extension module that wraps around an existing C library.
Making an extension module with Cython looks somewhat similar to writing a hand‐ written extension, in that you will be creating a collection of wrapper functions. How‐ ever, unlike previous recipes, you won’t be doing this in C—the code will look a lot more like Python. As preliminaries, assume that the sample code shown in the introduction to this chapter has been compiled into a C library called libsample. Start by creating a file named csample.pxd that looks like this:
# csample.pxd # # Declarations of “external” C functions and structures
int gcd(int, int) bint in_mandel(double, double, int) int divide(int, int, int *) double avg(double *, int) nogil
This file serves the same purpose in Cython as a C header file. The initial declaration cdef extern from “sample.h” declares the required C header file. Declarations that follow are taken from that header. The name of this file is csample.pxd, not sam‐ ple.pxd—this is important. Next, create a file named sample.pyx. This file will define wrappers that bridge the Python interpreter to the underlying C code declared in the csample.pxd file:
# sample.pyx
# Import the low-level C declarations cimport csample
# Import some functionality from Python and the C stdlib from cpython.pycapsule cimport *
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
# Wrappers def gcd(unsigned int x, unsigned int y):
return csample.gcd(x, y)
sz = a.size with nogil:
result = csample.avg(<double *> &a[0], sz)
return result
# Destructor for cleaning up Point objects cdef del_Point(object obj):
# Create a Point object and return as a capsule def Point(double x,double y):
Various details of this file will be covered further in the discussion section. Finally, to build the extension module, create a setup.py file that looks like this:
from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
[‘sample.pyx’], libraries=[‘sample’], library_dirs=[‘.’])]
To build the resulting module for experimentation, type this:
bash % python3 setup.py build_ext –inplace running build_ext cythoning sample.pyx to sample.c building ‘sample’ extension gcc -fno-strict-aliasing -DNDEBUG -g -fwrapv -O3 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes
-I/usr/local/include/python3.3m -c sample.c -o build/temp.macosx-10.6-x86_64-3.3/sample.o
bash %
If it works, you should have an extension module sample.so that can be used as shown in the following example:
>>> import sample
>>> sample.gcd(42,10)
>>> sample.in_mandel(1,1,400)
>>> sample.in_mandel(0,0,400)
>>> sample.divide(42,10)
(4, 2)
>>> import array
>>> a = array.array('d',[1,2,3])
>>> sample.avg(a)
>>> p1 = sample.Point(2,3)
>>> p2 = sample.Point(4,5)
>>> p1
<capsule object "Point" at 0x1005d1e70>
>>> p2
<capsule object "Point" at 0x1005d1ea0>
>>> sample.distance(p1,p2)
This recipe incorporates a number of advanced features discussed in prior recipes, in‐ cluding manipulation of arrays, wrapping opaque pointers, and releasing the GIL. Each of these parts will be discussed in turn, but it may help to review earlier recipes first. At a high level, using Cython is modeled after C. The .pxd files merely contain C defi‐ nitions (similar to .h files) and the .pyx files contain implementation (similar to a .c file). The cimport statement is used by Cython to import definitions from a .pxd file. This is different than using a normal Python import statement, which would load a regular Python module. Although .pxd files contain definitions, they are not used for the purpose of automati‐ cally creating extension code. Thus, you still have to write simple wrapper functions. For example, even though the csample.pxd file declares int gcd(int, int) as a func‐ tion, you still have to write a small wrapper for it in sample.pyx. For instance:
cimport csample
For simple functions, you don’t have to do too much. Cython will generate wrapper code that properly converts the arguments and return value. The C data types attached to the arguments are optional. However, if you include them, you get additional error checking for free. For example, if someone calls this function with negative values, an exception is generated:
>>> sample.gcd(-10,2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "sample.pyx", line 7, in sample.gcd (sample.c:1284)
def gcd(unsigned int x,unsigned int y):
OverflowError: can't convert negative value to unsigned int
If you want to add additional checking to the wrapper, just use additional wrapper code. For example:
return csample.gcd(x,y)
The declaration of in_mandel() in the csample.pxd file has an interesting, but subtle definition. In that file, the function is declared as returning a bint instead of an int. This causes the function to create a proper Boolean value from the result instead of a simple integer. So, a return value of 0 gets mapped to False and 1 to True.
Within the Cython wrappers, you have the option of declaring C data types in addition to using all of the usual Python objects. The wrapper for divide() shows an example of this as well as how to handle a pointer argument.
Here, the rem variable is explicitly declared as a C int variable. When passed to the underlying divide() function, &rem makes a pointer to it just as in C. The code for the avg() function illustrates some more advanced features of Cython. First the declaration def avg(double[:] a) declares avg() as taking a one-dimensional memoryview of double values. The amazing part about this is that the resulting function will accept any compatible array object, including those created by libraries such as numpy. For example: >>> import array >>> a = array.array(‘d’,[1,2,3]) >>> import numpy >>> b = numpy.array([1., 2., 3.]) >>> import sample >>> sample.avg(a) 2.0 >>> sample.avg(b) 2.0 >>>
In the wrapper, a.size and &a[0] refer to the number of array items and underlying pointer, respectively. The syntax <double *> &a[0] is how you type cast pointers to a different type if necessary. This is needed to make sure the C avg() receives a pointer of the correct type. Refer to the next recipe for some more advanced usage of Cython memoryviews. In addition to working with general arrays, the avg() example also shows how to work with the global interpreter lock. The statement with nogil: declares a block of code as executing without the GIL. Inside this block, it is illegal to work with any kind of normal Python object—only objects and functions declared as cdef can be used. In addition to that, external functions must explicitly declare that they can execute without the GIL. Thus, in the csample.pxd file, the avg() is declared as double avg(double *, int) nogil. The handling of the Point structure presents a special challenge. As shown, this recipe treats Point objects as opaque pointers using capsule objects, as described in Recipe 15.4. However, to do this, the underlying Cython code is a bit more complicated. First, the following imports are being used to bring in definitions of functions from the C library and Python C API:
from cpython.pycapsule cimport * from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
The function del_Point() and Point() use this functionality to create a capsule object that wraps around a Point * pointer. The declaration cdef del_Point() declares del_Point() as a function that is only accessible from Cython and not Python. Thus, this function will not be visible to the outside—instead, it’s used as a callback function to clean up memory allocated by the capsule. Calls to functions such as PyCap sule_New(), PyCapsule_GetPointer() are directly from the Python C API and are used in the same way. The distance() function has been written to extract pointers from the capsule objects created by Point(). One notable thing here is that you simply don’t have to worry about exception handling. If a bad object is passed, PyCapsule_GetPointer() raises an ex‐ ception, but Cython already knows to look for it and propagate it out of the dis tance() function if it occurs. A downside to the handling of Point structures is that they will be completely opaque in this implementation. You won’t be able to peek inside or access any of their attributes. There is an alternative approach to wrapping, which is to define an extension type, as shown in this code:
# sample.pyx
cimport csample from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free ...
cdef csample.Point *_c_point def __cinit__(self, double x, double y):
self._c_point = <csample.Point *> malloc(sizeof(csample.Point)) self._c_point.x = x self._c_point.y = y
Here, the cdef class Point is declaring Point as an extension type. The class variable cdef csample.Point *_c_point is declaring an instance variable that holds a pointer to an underlying Point structure in C. The __cinit__() and __dealloc__() methods create and destroy the underlying C structure using malloc() and free() calls. The property x and property y declarations give code that gets and sets the underlying structure attributes. The wrapper for distance() has also been suitably modified to accept instances of the Point extension type as arguments, but pass the underlying pointer to the C function. Making this change, you will find that the code for manipulating Point objects is more natural:
>>> import sample
>>> p1 = sample.Point(2,3)
>>> p2 = sample.Point(4,5)
>>> p1
<sample.Point object at 0x100447288>
>>> p2
<sample.Point object at 0x1004472a0>
>>> p1.x
>>> p1.y
>>> sample.distance(p1,p2)
This recipe has illustrated many of Cython’s core features that you might be able to extrapolate to more complicated kinds of wrapping. However, you will definitely want to read more of the official documentation to do more. The next few recipes also illustrate a few additional Cython features.