发布于 2015-08-30 08:00:15 | 190 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


You want to implement concurrency using generators (coroutines) as an alternative to system threads. This is sometimes known as user-level threading or green threading.


To implement your own concurrency using generators, you first need a fundamental insight concerning generator functions and the yield statement. Specifically, the fun‐ damental behavior of yield is that it causes a generator to suspend its execution. By suspending execution, it is possible to write a scheduler that treats generators as a kind of “task” and alternates their execution using a kind of cooperative task switching. To illustrate this idea, consider the following two generator functions using a simple yield:

# Two simple generator functions def countdown(n):

while n > 0:
print(‘T-minus’, n) yield n -= 1


def countup(n):

x = 0 while x < n:

print(‘Counting up’, x) yield x += 1

These functions probably look a bit funny using yield all by itself. However, consider the following code that implements a simple task scheduler:

from collections import deque

class TaskScheduler:
def __init__(self):
self._task_queue = deque()
def new_task(self, task):

‘’’ Admit a newly started task to the scheduler

‘’’ self._task_queue.append(task)

def run(self):

‘’’ Run until there are no more tasks ‘’’ while self._task_queue:

task = self._task_queue.popleft() try:

# Run until the next yield statement next(task) self._task_queue.append(task)
except StopIteration:
# Generator is no longer executing pass

# Example use sched = TaskScheduler() sched.new_task(countdown(10)) sched.new_task(countdown(5)) sched.new_task(countup(15)) sched.run()

In this code, the TaskScheduler class runs a collection of generators in a round-robin manner—each one running until they reach a yield statement. For the sample, the output will be as follows:

T-minus 10 T-minus 5 Counting up 0 T-minus 9 T-minus 4 Counting up 1 T-minus 8 T-minus 3 Counting up 2 T-minus 7 T-minus 2 ...

At this point, you’ve essentially implemented the tiny core of an “operating system” if you will. Generator functions are the tasks and the yield statement is how tasks signal that they want to suspend. The scheduler simply cycles over the tasks until none are left executing. In practice, you probably wouldn’t use generators to implement concurrency for some‐ thing as simple as shown. Instead, you might use generators to replace the use of threads when implementing actors (see Recipe 12.10) or network servers.

The following code illustrates the use of generators to implement a thread-free version of actors:

from collections import deque

class ActorScheduler:
def __init__(self):
self._actors = { } # Mapping of names to actors self._msg_queue = deque() # Message queue
def new_actor(self, name, actor):
‘’’ Admit a newly started actor to the scheduler and give it a name ‘’’ self._msg_queue.append((actor,None)) self._actors[name] = actor
def send(self, name, msg):

‘’’ Send a message to a named actor ‘’’ actor = self._actors.get(name) if actor:

def run(self):

‘’’ Run as long as there are pending messages. ‘’’ while self._msg_queue:

actor, msg = self._msg_queue.popleft() try:

except StopIteration:

# Example use if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

def printer():
while True:
msg = yield print(‘Got:’, msg)
def counter(sched):
while True:

# Receive the current count n = yield if n == 0:


# Send to the printer task sched.send(‘printer’, n) # Send the next count to the counter task (recursive)

sched.send(‘counter’, n-1)

sched = ActorScheduler() # Create the initial actors sched.new_actor(‘printer’, printer()) sched.new_actor(‘counter’, counter(sched))

# Send an initial message to the counter to initiate sched.send(‘counter’, 10000) sched.run()

The execution of this code might take a bit of study, but the key is the queue of pending messages. Essentially, the scheduler runs as long as there are messages to deliver. A remarkable feature is that the counter generator sends messages to itself and ends up in a recursive cycle not bound by Python’s recursion limit. Here is an advanced example showing the use of generators to implement a concurrent network application:

from collections import deque from select import select

# This class represents a generic yield event in the scheduler class YieldEvent:

def handle_yield(self, sched, task):
def handle_resume(self, sched, task):

# Task Scheduler class Scheduler:

def __init__(self):
self._numtasks = 0 # Total num of tasks self._ready = deque() # Tasks ready to run self._read_waiting = {} # Tasks waiting to read self._write_waiting = {} # Tasks waiting to write

# Poll for I/O events and restart waiting tasks def _iopoll(self):

rset,wset,eset = select(self._read_waiting,
for r in rset:
evt, task = self._read_waiting.pop(r) evt.handle_resume(self, task)
for w in wset:
evt, task = self._write_waiting.pop(w) evt.handle_resume(self, task)
def new(self,task):

‘’’ Add a newly started task to the scheduler ‘’‘

self._ready.append((task, None)) self._numtasks += 1

def add_ready(self, task, msg=None):
‘’’ Append an already started task to the ready queue. msg is what to send into the task when it resumes. ‘’’ self._ready.append((task, msg))

# Add a task to the reading set def _read_wait(self, fileno, evt, task):

self._read_waiting[fileno] = (evt, task)

# Add a task to the write set def _write_wait(self, fileno, evt, task):

self._write_waiting[fileno] = (evt, task)
def run(self):

‘’’ Run the task scheduler until there are no tasks ‘’’ while self._numtasks:

if not self._ready:

task, msg = self._ready.popleft() try:

# Run the coroutine to the next yield r = task.send(msg) if isinstance(r, YieldEvent):

r.handle_yield(self, task)
raise RuntimeError(‘unrecognized yield event’)
except StopIteration:
self._numtasks -= 1

# Example implementation of coroutine-based socket I/O class ReadSocket(YieldEvent):

def __init__(self, sock, nbytes):
self.sock = sock self.nbytes = nbytes
def handle_yield(self, sched, task):
sched._read_wait(self.sock.fileno(), self, task)
def handle_resume(self, sched, task):
data = self.sock.recv(self.nbytes) sched.add_ready(task, data)
class WriteSocket(YieldEvent):
def __init__(self, sock, data):
self.sock = sock self.data = data

def handle_yield(self, sched, task):

sched._write_wait(self.sock.fileno(), self, task)
def handle_resume(self, sched, task):
nsent = self.sock.send(self.data) sched.add_ready(task, nsent)
class AcceptSocket(YieldEvent):
def __init__(self, sock):
self.sock = sock
def handle_yield(self, sched, task):
sched._read_wait(self.sock.fileno(), self, task)
def handle_resume(self, sched, task):
r = self.sock.accept() sched.add_ready(task, r)

# Wrapper around a socket object for use with yield class Socket(object):

def __init__(self, sock):
self._sock = sock
def recv(self, maxbytes):
return ReadSocket(self._sock, maxbytes)
def send(self, data):
return WriteSocket(self._sock, data)
def accept(self):
return AcceptSocket(self._sock)
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._sock, name)
if __name__ == ‘__main__’:

from socket import socket, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM import time

# Example of a function involving generators. This should # be called using line = yield from readline(sock) def readline(sock):

chars = [] while True:

c = yield sock.recv(1) if not c:


chars.append(c) if c == b’n’:


return b’‘.join(chars)

# Echo server using generators class EchoServer:

def __init__(self,addr,sched):
self.sched = sched sched.new(self.server_loop(addr))
def server_loop(self,addr):

s = Socket(socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM))

s.bind(addr) s.listen(5) while True:

c,a = yield s.accept() print(‘Got connection from ‘, a) self.sched.new(self.client_handler(Socket(c)))
def client_handler(self,client):
while True:

line = yield from readline(client) if not line:


line = b’GOT:’ + line while line:

nsent = yield client.send(line) line = line[nsent:]

client.close() print(‘Client closed’)

sched = Scheduler() EchoServer((‘’,16000),sched) sched.run()

This code will undoubtedly require a certain amount of careful study. However, it is essentially implementing a small operating system. There is a queue of tasks ready to run and there are waiting areas for tasks sleeping for I/O. Much of the scheduler involves moving tasks between the ready queue and the I/O waiting area.


When building generator-based concurrency frameworks, it is most common to work with the more general form of yield:

def some_generator():
... result = yield data ...

Functions that use yield in this manner are more generally referred to as “coroutines.” Within a scheduler, the yield statement gets handled in a loop as follows:

f = some_generator()

# Initial result. Is None to start since nothing has been computed result = None while True:

data = f.send(result) result = ... do some calculation ...
except StopIteration:

The logic concerning the result is a bit convoluted. However, the value passed to send() defines what gets returned when the yield statement wakes back up. So, if a yield is going to return a result in response to data that was previously yielded, it gets returned on the next send() operation. If a generator function has just started, sending in a value of None simply makes it advance to the first yield statement. In addition to sending in values, it is also possible to execute a close() method on a generator. This causes a silent GeneratorExit exception to be raised at the yield state‐ ment, which stops execution. If desired, a generator can catch this exception and per‐ form cleanup actions. It’s also possible to use the throw() method of a generator to raise an arbitrary execution at the yield statement. A task scheduler might use this to com‐ municate errors into running generators. The yield from statement used in the last example is used to implement coroutines that serve as subroutines or procedures to be called from other generators. Essentially, control transparently transfers to the new function. Unlike normal generators, a func‐ tion that is called using yield from can return a value that becomes the result of the yield from statement. More information about yield from can be found in PEP 380. Finally, if programming with generators, it is important to stress that there are some major limitations. In particular, you get none of the benefits that threads provide. For instance, if you execute any code that is CPU bound or which blocks for I/O, it will suspend the entire task scheduler until the completion of that operation. To work around this, your only real option is to delegate the operation to a separate thread or process where it can run independently. Another limitation is that most Python libraries have not been written to work well with generator-based threading. If you take this approach, you may find that you need to write replacements for many standard library functions. As basic background on coroutines and the techniques utilized in this recipe, see PEP 342 and “A Curious Course on Coroutines and Concurrency”. PEP 3156 also has a modern take on asynchronous I/O involving coroutines. In practice, it is extremelyunlikely that you will write a low-level coroutine scheduler yourself. However, ideas surrounding coroutines are the basis for many popular libraries, in‐ cluding gevent, greenlet, Stackless Python, and similar projects.

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