发布于 2015-08-30 08:00:06 | 112 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
You have heard about packages based on “event-driven” or “asynchronous” I/O, but you’re not entirely sure what it means, how it actually works under the covers, or how it might impact your program if you use it.
At a fundamental level, event-driven I/O is a technique that takes basic I/O operations (e.g., reads and writes) and converts them into events that must be handled by your program. For example, whenever data was received on a socket, it turns into a “receive” event that is handled by some sort of callback method or function that you supply to respond to it. As a possible starting point, an event-driven framework might start with a base class that implements a series of basic event handler methods like this:
Instances of this class then get plugged into an event loop that looks like this:
import select
wants_recv = [h for h in handlers if h.wants_to_receive()] wants_send = [h for h in handlers if h.wants_to_send()] can_recv, can_send, _ = select.select(wants_recv, wants_send, []) for h in can_recv:
That’s it! The key to the event loop is the select() call, which polls file descriptors for activity. Prior to calling select(), the event loop simply queries all of the handlers to see which ones want to receive or send. It then supplies the resulting lists to select(). As a result, select() returns the list of objects that are ready to receive or send. The corresponding handle_receive() or handle_send() methods are triggered. To write applications, specific instances of EventHandler classes are created. For ex‐ ample, here are two simple handlers that illustrate two UDP-based network services:
import socket import time
To test this code, you can try connecting to it from another Python interpreter:
>>> from socket import *
>>> s = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM)
>>> s.sendto(b'',('localhost',14000))
>>> s.recvfrom(128)
(b'Tue Sep 18 14:29:23 2012', ('', 14000))
>>> s.sendto(b'Hello',('localhost',15000))
>>> s.recvfrom(128)
(b'Hello', ('', 15000))
Implementing a TCP server is somewhat more complex, since each client involves the instantiation of a new handler object. Here is an example of a TCP echo client.
data = self.sock.recv(8192) if not data:
The key to the TCP example is the addition and removal of clients from the handler list. On each connection, a new handler is created for the client and added to the list. When the connection is closed, each client must take care to remove themselves from the list. If you run this program and try connecting with Telnet or some similar tool, you’ll see it echoing received data back to you. It should easily handle multiple clients.
Virtually all event-driven frameworks operate in a manner that is similar to that shown in the solution. The actual implementation details and overall software architecture might vary greatly, but at the core, there is a polling loop that checks sockets for activity and which performs operations in response. One potential benefit of event-driven I/O is that it can handle a very large number of simultaneous connections without ever using threads or processes. That is, the se lect() call (or equivalent) can be used to monitor hundreds or thousands of sockets and respond to events occuring on any of them. Events are handled one at a time by the event loop, without the need for any other concurrency primitives. The downside to event-driven I/O is that there is no true concurrency involved. If any of the event handler methods blocks or performs a long-running calculation, it blocks the progress of everything. There is also the problem of calling out to library functions that aren’t written in an event-driven style. There is always the risk that some library call will block, causing the event loop to stall. Problems with blocking or long-running calculations can be solved by sending the work out to a separate thread or process. However, coordinating threads and processes with an event loop is tricky. Here is an example of code that will do it using the concur rent.futures module:
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor import os
server = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) server.bind((‘’, 0)) server.listen(1) self.signal_done_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,
self.signal_done_sock.connect(server.getsockname()) self.done_sock, _ = server.accept() server.close()
self.pending = [] self.pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(nworkers)
# Callback that executes when the thread is done def _complete(self, callback, r):
self.pending.append((callback, r.result())) self.signal_done_sock.send(b’x’)
# Run a function in a thread pool def run(self, func, args=(), kwargs={},*,callback):
# Run callback functions of completed work def handle_receive(self):
# Invoke all pending callback functions for callback, result in self.pending:
callback(result) self.done_sock.recv(1)self.pending = []
In this code, the run() method is used to submit work to the pool along with a callback function that should be triggered upon completion. The actual work is then submitted to a ThreadPoolExecutor instance. However, a really tricky problem concerns the co‐ ordination of the computed result and the event loop. To do this, a pair of sockets are created under the covers and used as a kind of signaling mechanism. When work is completed by the thread pool, it executes the _complete() method in the class. This method queues up the pending callback and result before writing a byte of data on one of these sockets. The fileno() method is programmed to return the other socket. Thus, when this byte is written, it will signal to the event loop that something has happened. The handle_receive() method, when triggered, will then execute all of the callback functions for previously submitted work. Frankly, it’s enough to make one’s head spin. Here is a simple server that shows how to use the thread pool to carry out a long-running calculation:
# A really bad Fibonacci implementation def fib(n):
- if n < 2:
- return 1
- else:
- return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
To try this server, simply run it and try some experiments with another Python program:
from socket import * sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM) for x in range(40):
sock.sendto(str(x).encode(‘ascii’), (‘localhost’, 16000)) resp = sock.recvfrom(8192) print(resp[0])
You should be able to run this program repeatedly from many different windows and have it operate without stalling other programs, even though it gets slower and slower as the numbers get larger. Having gone through this recipe, should you use its code? Probably not. Instead, you should look for a more fully developed framework that accomplishes the same task. However, if you understand the basic concepts presented here, you’ll understand the core techniques used to make such frameworks operate. As an alternative to callback- based programming, event-driven code will sometimes use coroutines. See Recipe 12.12 for an example.