发布于 2015-08-30 07:48:59 | 184 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


You want to organize your code into a package consisting of a hierarchical collection of modules.


Making a package structure is simple. Just organize your code as you wish on the filesystem and make sure that every directory defines an __init__.py file. For example:


Once you have done this, you should be able to perform various import statements, such as the following:

import graphics.primitive.line
from graphics.primitive import line
import graphics.formats.jpg as jpg


Defining a hierarchy of modules is as easy as making a directory structure on the filesystem. The purpose of the __init__.py files is to include optional initialization code that runs as different levels of a package are encountered. For example, if you have the statement import graphics, the file graphics/__init__.py will be imported and form the contents of the graphics namespace. For an import such as import graphics.for mats.jpg, the files graphics/__init__.py and graphics/formats/__init__.py will both be imported prior to the final import of the graphics/formats/jpg.py file.

More often that not, it’s fine to just leave the __init__.py files empty. However, there are certain situations where they might include code. For example, an __init__.py file can be used to automatically load submodules like this:

# graphics/formats/__init__.py
from . import jpg
from . import png

For such a file, a user merely has to use a single import graphics.formats instead of a separate import for graphics.formats.jpg and graphics.formats.png.

Other common uses of __init__.py include consolidating definitions from multiple files into a single logical namespace, as is sometimes done when splitting modules. This is discussed in Recipe 10.4.

Astute programmers will notice that Python 3.3 still seems to perform package imports even if no __init__.py files are present. If you don’t define __init__.py, you actually create what’s known as a “namespace package,” which is described in Recipe 10.5. All things being equal, include the __init__.py files if you’re just starting out with the creation of a new package.

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