发布于 2015-09-14 15:10:01 | 124 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The Java driver provides a DBObject interface to save custom objects to the database.
For example, suppose one had a class called Tweet that they wanted to save:
public class Tweet implements DBObject {
/* ... */
Then you can say:
Tweet myTweet = new Tweet();
myTweet.put("user", userId);
myTweet.put("message", msg);
myTweet.put("date", new Date());
When a document is retrieved from the database, it is automatically converted to a DBObject. To convert it to an instance of your class, use DBCollection.setObjectClass():
Tweet myTweet = (Tweet)collection.findOne();
If for some reason you wanted to change the message you can simply take that tweet and save it back after updating the field.
Tweet myTweet = (Tweet)collection.findOne();
myTweet.put("message", newMsg);