发布于 2015-09-14 15:13:17 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
This tutorial discusses the development of a web application on Rails and MongoDB. MongoMapper will serve as our object mapper. The goal is to provide some insight into the design choices required for building on MongoDB. To that end, we’ll be constructing a simple but non-trivial social news application. The source code for newsmonger is available on github for those wishing to dive right in.
Assuming you’ve configured your application to work with MongoMapper, let’s start thinking about the data model.
A news application relies on stories at its core, so we’ll start with a Story model:
class Story
include MongoMapper::Document
key :title, String
key :url, String
key :slug, String
key :voters, Array
key :votes, Integer, :default => 0
key :relevance, Integer, :default => 0
# Cached values.
key :comment_count, Integer, :default => 0
key :username, String
# Note this: ids are of class ObjectId.
key :user_id, ObjectId
# Relationships.
belongs_to :user
# Validations.
validates_presence_of :title, :url, :user_id
Obviously, a story needs a title, url, and user_id, and should belong to a user. These are self-explanatory.
When we display our list of stories, we’ll need to show the name of the user who posted the story. If we were using a relational database, we could perform a join on users and stores, and get all our objects in a single query. But MongoDB does not support joins and so, at times, requires bit of denormalization. Here, this means caching the username attribute.
Relational purists may be feeling uneasy already, as if we were violating some universal law. But let’s bear in mind that MongoDB collections are not equivalent to relational tables; each serves a unique design objective. A normalized table provides an atomic, isolated chunk of data. A document, however, more closely represents an object as a whole. In the case of a social news site, it can be argued that a username is intrinsic to the story being posted.
What about updates to the username? It’s true that such updates will be expensive; happily, in this case, they’ll be rare. The read savings achieved in denormalizing will surely outweigh the costs of the occasional update. Alas, this is not hard and fast rule: ultimately, developers must evaluate their applications for the appropriate level of normalization.
With a relational database, even trivial relationships are blown out into multiple tables. Consider the votes a story receives. We need a way of recording which users have voted on which stories. The standard way of handling this would involve creating a table, ‘votes’, with each row referencing user_id and story_id.
With a document database, it makes more sense to store those votes as an array of user ids, as we do here with the 'voters' key.
For fast lookups, we can create an index on this field. In the MongoDB shell:
Or, using MongoMapper, we can specify the index in config/initializers/database.rb:
To find all the stories voted on by a given user:
Story.all(:conditions => {:voters => @user.id})
Storing the voters array in the Story class also allows us to take advantage of atomic updates. What this means here is that, when a user votes on a story, we can
MongoDB’s query and update features allows us to perform all three actions in a single operation. Here’s what that would look like from the shell:
// Assume that story_id and user_id represent real story and user ids.
db.stories.update({_id: story_id, voters: {'$ne': user_id}},
{'$inc': {votes: 1}, '$push': {voters: user_id}});
What this says is “get me a story with the given id whose voters array does not contain the given user id and, if you find such a story, perform two atomic updates: first, increment votes by 1 and then push the user id onto the voters array.”
This operation highly efficient; it’s also reliable. The one caveat is that, because update operations are “fire and forget,” you won’t get a response from the server. But in most cases, this should be a non-issue.
A MongoMapper implementation of the same update would look like this:
def self.upvote(story_id, user_id)
collection.update({'_id' => story_id, 'voters' => {'$ne' => user_id}},
{'$inc' => {'votes' => 1}, '$push' => {'voters' => user_id}})
In a relational database, comments are usually given their own table, related by foreign key to some parent table. This approach is occasionally necessary in MongoDB; however, it’s always best to try to embed first, as this will achieve greater query efficiency.
Linear, non-threaded comments should be embedded. Here are the most basic MongoMapper classes to implement such a structure:
class Story
include MongoMapper::Document
many :comments
class Comment
include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument
key :body, String
belongs_to :story
If we were using the Ruby driver alone, we could save our structure like so:
@stories = @db.collection('stories')
@document = {:title => "MongoDB on Rails",
:comments => [{:body => "Revelatory! Loved it!",
:username => "Matz"
Essentially, comments are represented as an array of objects within a story document. This simple structure should be used for any one-to-many relationship where the many items are linear.
But what if we’re building threaded comments? An admittedly more complicated problem, two solutions will be presented here. The first is to represent the tree structure in the nesting of the comments themselves. This might be achieved using the Ruby driver as follows:
@stories = @db.collection('stories')
@document = {:title => "MongoDB on Rails",
:comments => [{:body => "Revelatory! Loved it!",
:username => "Matz",
:comments => [{:body => "Agreed.",
:username => "rubydev29"
Representing this structure using MongoMapper would be tricky, requiring a number of custom mods.
But this structure has a number of benefits. The nesting is captured in the document itself (this is, in fact, how Business Insider represents comments. And this schema is highly performant, since we can get the story, and all of its comments, in a single query, with no application-side processing for constructing the tree.
One drawback is that alternative views of the comment tree require some significant reorganizing.
We can also represent comments as their own collection. Relative to the other options, this incurs a small performance penalty while granting us the greatest flexibility. The tree structure can be represented by storing the unique path for each leaf (see Mathias’s original post on the idea). Here are the relevant sections of this model:
class Comment
include MongoMapper::Document
key :body, String
key :depth, Integer, :default => 0
key :path, String, :default => ""
# Note: we're intentionally storing parent_id as a string
key :parent_id, String
key :story_id, ObjectId
# Relationships.
belongs_to :story
# Callbacks.
after_create :set_path
# Store the comment's path.
def set_path
unless self.parent_id.blank?
parent = Comment.find(self.parent_id)
self.story_id = parent.story_id
self.depth = parent.depth + 1
self.path = parent.path + ":" + parent.id
The path ends up being a string of object ids. This makes it easier to display our comments nested, with each level in order of karma or votes. If we specify an index on story_id, path, and votes, the database can handle half the work of getting our comments in nested, sorted order.
The rest of the work can be accomplished with a couple grouping methods, which can be found in the newsmonger source code.
It goes without saying that modeling comments in their own collection also facilitates various site-wide aggregations, including displaying the latest, grouping by user, etc.
Document-oriented data modeling is still young. The fact is, many more applications will need to be built on the document model before we can say anything definitive about best practices. So the foregoing should be taken as suggestions, only. As you discover new patterns, we encourage you to document them, and feel free to let us know about what works (and what doesn’t).
Developers working on object mappers and the like are encouraged to implement the best document patterns in their code, and to be wary of recreating relational database models in their apps.