发布于 2015-09-14 15:02:49 | 164 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The PHP community has created a huge number of libraries to make working with MongoDB easier and integrate it with existing frameworks.
ODM (Object Document Mapper) is an experimental Doctrine MongoDB object mapper. The DoctrineODMMongo namespace is an experimental project for a PHP 5.3 MongoDB Object Mapper. It allows you to easily write PHP 5 classes and map them to collections in MongoDB. You just work with your objects like normal and Doctrine will transparently persist them to MongoDB.
This project implements the same “style” of the Doctrine 2 ORM project interface so it will look very familiar to you and it has lots of the same features and implementations.
An extensive MVC 2 based PHP framework which supports MongoDB directly with only PHPMongo extension.
Thundergrid is a GridFS framework for PHP. Thundergrid is a simple framework written in PHP that allows you to rapidly store files in your MongoDB database using the GridFS specification.
Thundergrid gives you the ability to control exactly how you use GridFS in your scripts. It allows you to list, filter, and display objects within GridFS quickly and rapidly.
Vork, the high-performance enterprise framework for PHP, natively supports MongoDB as either a primary datasource or used in conjunction with an RDBMS. Designed for scalability & Green-IT, Vork serves more traffic with fewer servers and can be configured to operate without any disk-IO.
Vork provides a full MVC stack that outputs semantically-correct XHTML 1.1, complies with Section 508 Accessibility guidelines & Zend-Framework coding-standards, has SEO-friendly URLs, employs CSS-reset for cross-browser display consistency and is written in well-documented object-oriented E_STRICT PHP5 code.
An extensive set of tools are built into Vork for ecommerce (cc-processing, SSL, PayPal, AdSense, shipment tracking, QR-codes), Google Maps, translation & internationalization, Wiki, Amazon Web Services, Social-Networking (Twitter, Meetup, ShareThis, YouTube, Flickr) and much more.
A library on top of the PHP driver that allows you to make more natural queries ($query->query('a == 13 AND b >= 8 && c % 3 == 4');), abstracts away annoying $-syntax, and provides getters and setters.
MongoQueue is a PHP queue that allows for moving tasks and jobs into an asynchronous process for completion in the background. The queue is managed by MongoDB.
MongoQueue is an extraction from online classifieds site Oodle. Oodle uses MongoQueue to background common tasks in order to keep page response times low.
MongoRecord is a PHP MongoDB ORM layer built on top of the PHP MongoDB PECL extension.
MongoRecord is an extraction from online classifieds site Oodle. Oodle’s requirements for a manageable, easy to understand interface for dealing with the super-scalable MongoDB datastore was the primary reason for MongoRecord. It was developed to use with PHP applications looking to add MongoDB’s scaling capabilities while dealing with a nice abstraction layer.
FFprobe is a stream analyzer that optionally reports in JSON. This example is a PHP script that reads JSON from STDIN, makes an object using json_decode, and inserts the object into a MongoDB database. This script could be used with any program that outputs a JSON stream. A bash script will be used to batch process all files within the current directory. For example, the data may be used for analysis and logging of a day’s shoot.