发布于 2015-09-14 15:09:42 | 103 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
writeBacksQueued is an internal command that returns a document reporting there are operations in the write back queue for the given mongos and information about the queues.
hasOpsQueued is true if there are write Back operations queued.
totalOpsQueued reflects the number of operations queued.
queues holds a sub-document where the fields are all write back queues. These field hold a document with two fields that reports on the state of the queue. The fields in these documents are:
The command document has the following prototype form:
{writeBacksQueued: 1}
To call writeBacksQueued from the mongo shell, use the following db.runCommand() form:
db.runCommand({writeBacksQueued: 1})
Consider the following example output:
"hasOpsQueued" : true,
"totalOpsQueued" : 7,
"queues" : {
"50b4f09f6671b11ff1944089" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 1 },
"50b4f09fc332bf1c5aeaaf59" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 0 },
"50b4f09f6671b1d51df98cb6" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 0 },
"50b4f0c67ccf1e5c6effb72e" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 0 },
"50b4faf12319f193cfdec0d1" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 4 },
"50b4f013d2c1f8d62453017e" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 0 },
"50b4f0f12319f193cfdec0d1" : { "n" : 0, "minutesSinceLastCall" : 1 }
"ok" : 1