发布于 2015-09-14 15:02:04 | 220 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


The geoNear command provides an alternative to the :operator :$near operator. In addition to the functionality of $near, geoNear returns the distance of each item from the specified point along with additional diagnostic information. For example:

{ geoNear : "places" , near : [50,50], num : 10 }

Here, geoNear returns the 10 items nearest to the coordinates [50,50] in the collection named places. geoNear provides the following options (specify all distances in the same units as the document coordinate system:)

  • near – Takes the coordinates (e.g. [ x, y ]) to use as the center of a geospatial query.
  • num – Optional. Specifies the maximum number of documents to return. The default value is 100.
  • maxDistance – Optional. Limits the results to those falling within a given distance of the center coordinate.
  • query – Optional. Further narrows the results using any standard MongoDB query operator or selection. See db.collection.find() and “查询,更新, 以及投影算符快速参考” for more information.
  • spherical – Optional. Default: false. When true MongoDB will return the query as if the coordinate system references points on a spherical plane rather than a plane.
  • distanceMultiplier – Optional. Specifies a factor to multiply all distances returned by geoNear. For example, use distanceMultiplier to convert from spherical queries returned in radians to linear units (i.e. miles or kilometers) by multiplying by the radius of the Earth.
  • includeLocs – Optional. Default: false. When specified true, the query will return the location of the matching documents in the result.
  • uniqueDocs – Optional. Default true. The default settings will only return a matching document once, even if more than one of its location fields match the query. When false the query will return documents with multiple matching location fields more than once. See $uniqueDocs for more information on this option
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