发布于 2015-09-14 14:51:49 | 180 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
Full database instance backups are useful for disaster recovery protection and routine database backup operation; however, some cases require additional import and export functionality.
This document provides an overview of the import and export programs included in the MongoDB distribution. These tools are useful when you want to backup or export a portion of your data without capturing the state of the entire database, or for simple data ingestion cases. For more complex data migration tasks, you may want to write your own import and export scripts using a client driver to interact with the database itself.
Because these tools primarily operate by interacting with a running mongod instance, they can impact the performance of your running database.
Not only do these processes create traffic for a running database instance, they also force the database to read all data through memory. When MongoDB reads infrequently used data, it can supplant more frequently accessed data, causing a deterioration in performance for the database’s regular workload.
mongoimport and mongoexport do not reliably preserve all rich BSON data types, because BSON is a superset of JSON. Thus, mongoimport and mongoexport cannot represent BSON data accurately in JSON. As a result data exported or imported with these tools may lose some measure of fidelity. See MongoDB 扩展 JSON for more information about MongoDB Extended JSON.
See the “系统备份策略” document for more information on backing up MongoDB instances. Additionally, consider the following references for commands addressed in this document:
If you want to transform and process data once you’ve imported it in MongoDB consider the topics in 聚合, including:
JSON does not have the following data types that exist in BSON documents: data_binary, data_date, data_timestamp, data_regex, data_oid and data_ref. As a result using any tool that decodes BSON documents into JSON will suffer some loss of fidelity.
If maintaining type fidelity is important, consider writing a data import and export system that does not force BSON documents into JSON form as part of the process. The following list of types contain examples for how MongoDB will represent how BSON documents render in JSON.
{ "$binary" : "<bindata>", "$type" : "<t>" }
<bindata> is the base64 representation of a binary string. <t> is the hexadecimal representation of a single byte indicating the data type.
Date( <date> )
<date> is the JSON representation of a 64-bit signed integer for milliseconds since epoch.
Timestamp( <t>, <i> )
<t> is the JSON representation of a 32-bit unsigned integer for milliseconds since epoch. <i> is a 32-bit unsigned integer for the increment.
<jRegex> is a string that may contain valid JSON characters and unescaped double quote (i.e. ") characters, but may not contain unescaped forward slash (i.e. /) characters. <jOptions> is a string that may contain only the characters g, i, m, and s.
ObjectId( "<id>" )
<id> is a 24 character hexadecimal string. These representations require that data_oid values have an associated field named “_id.”
DBRef( "<name>", "<id>" )
<name> is a string of valid JSON characters. <id> is a 24 character hexadecimal string.
For resilient and non-disruptive backups, use a file system or block-level disk snapshot function, such as the methods described in the “系统备份策略” document. The tools and operations discussed provide functionality that’s useful in the context of providing some kinds of backups.
By contrast, use import and export tools to backup a small subset of your data or to move data to or from a 3rd party system. These backups may capture a small crucial set of data or a frequently modified section of data, for extra insurance, or for ease of access. No matter how you decide to import or export your data, consider the following guidelines:
This section describes a process to import/export your database, or a portion thereof, to a file in a JSON or CSV format.
The mongoimport and mongoexport documents contain complete documentation of these tools. If you have questions about the function and parameters of these tools not covered here, please refer to these documents.
If you want to simply copy a database or collection from one instance to another, consider using the copydb, clone, or cloneCollection commands, which may be more suited to this task. The mongo shell provides the db.copyDatabase() method.
These tools may also be useful for importing data into a MongoDB database from third party applications.
With the mongoexport utility you can create a backup file. In the most simple invocation, the command takes the following form:
mongoexport --collection collection --out collection.json
This will export all documents in the collection named collection into the file collection.json. Without the output specification (i.e. “--out collection.json”,) mongoexport writes output to standard output (i.e. “stdout.”) You can further narrow the results by supplying a query filter using the “--query” and limit results to a single database using the “--db” option. For instance:
mongoexport --db sales --collection contacts --query '{"field": 1}'
This command returns all documents in the sales database’s contacts collection, with a field named field with a value of 1. Enclose the query in single quotes (e.g. ') to ensure that it does not interact with your shell environment. The resulting documents will return on standard output.
By default, mongoexport returns one JSON document per MongoDB document. Specify the “--jsonArray” argument to return the export as a single JSON array. Use the “--csv” file to return the result in CSV (comma separated values) format.
If your mongod instance is not running, you can use the “--dbpath” option to specify the location to your MongoDB instance’s database files. See the following example:
mongoexport --db sales --collection contacts --dbpath /srv/MongoDB/
This reads the data files directly. This locks the data directory to prevent conflicting writes. The mongod process must not be running or attached to these data files when you run mongoexport in this configuration.
The “--host” and “--port” options allow you to specify a non-local host to connect to capture the export. Consider the following example:
mongoexport --host mongodb1.example.net --port 37017 --username user --password pass --collection contacts --file mdb1-examplenet.json
On any mongoexport command you may, as above specify username and password credentials as above.
To restore a backup taken with mongoexport. Most of the arguments to mongoexport also exist for mongoimport. Consider the following command:
mongoimport --collection collection --file collection.json
This imports the contents of the file collection.json into the collection named collection. If you do not specify a file with the “--file” option, mongoimport accepts input over standard input (e.g. “stdin.”)
If you specify the “--upsert” option, all of mongoimport operations will attempt to update existing documents in the database and insert other documents. This option will cause some performance impact depending on your configuration.
You can specify the database option --db to import these documents to a particular database. If your MongoDB instance is not running, use the “--dbpath” option to specify the location of your MongoDB instance’s database files. Consider using the “--journal” option to ensure that mongoimport records its operations in the journal. The mongod process must not be running or attached to these data files when you run mongoimport in this configuration.
Use the “--ignoreBlanks” option to ignore blank fields. For CSV and TSV imports, this option provides the desired functionality in most cases: it avoids inserting blank fields in MongoDB documents.