发布于 2015-09-14 14:53:43 | 278 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理


Reshapes a document stream by renaming, adding, or removing fields. Also use $project to create computed values or sub-objects. Use $project to:

  • Include fields from the original document.
  • Insert computed fields.
  • Rename fields.
  • Create and populate fields that hold sub-documents.

Use $project to quickly select the fields that you want to include or exclude from the response. Consider the following aggregation framework operation.

    { $project : {
        title : 1 ,
        author : 1 ,

This operation includes the title field and the author field in the document that returns from the aggregation pipeline.


The _id field is always included by default. You may explicitly exclude _id as follows:

    { $project : {
        _id : 0 ,
        title : 1 ,
        author : 1

Here, the projection excludes the _id field but includes the title and author fields.

Projections can also add computed fields to the document stream passing through the pipeline. A computed field can use any of the expression operators. Consider the following example:

    { $project : {
        title : 1,
        doctoredPageViews : { $add:["$pageViews", 10] }

Here, the field doctoredPageViews represents the value of the pageViews field after adding 10 to the original field using the $add.


You must enclose the expression that defines the computed field in braces, so that the expression is a valid object.

You may also use $project to rename fields. Consider the following example:

    { $project : {
        title : 1 ,
        page_views : "$pageViews" ,
        bar : "$other.foo"

This operation renames the pageViews field to page_views, and renames the foo field in the other sub-document as the top-level field bar. The field references used for renaming fields are direct expressions and do not use an operator or surrounding braces. All aggregation field references can use dotted paths to refer to fields in nested documents.

Finally, you can use the $project to create and populate new sub-documents. Consider the following example that creates a new object-valued field named stats that holds a number of values:

    { $project : {
        title : 1 ,
        stats : {
            pv : "$pageViews",
            foo : "$other.foo",
            dpv : { $add:["$pageViews", 10] }

This projection includes the title field and places $project into “inclusive” mode. Then, it creates the stats documents with the following fields:

  • pv which includes and renames the pageViews from the top level of the original documents.
  • foo which includes the value of other.foo from the original documents.
  • dpv which is a computed field that adds 10 to the value of the pageViews field in the original document using the $add aggregation expression.
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