发布于 2015-09-14 14:53:38 | 195 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
The unique constraint on indexes ensures that only one document can have a value for a field in a collection. For sharded collections these unique indexes cannot enforce uniqueness because insert and indexing operations are local to each shard. [1]
If your need to ensure that a field is always unique in all collections in a sharded environment, there are two options:
Enforce uniqueness of the shard key.
MongoDB can enforce uniqueness for the shard key. For compound shard keys, MongoDB will enforce uniqueness on the entire key combination, and not for a specific component of the shard key.
Use a secondary collection to enforce uniqueness.
Create a minimal collection that only contains the unique field and a reference to a document in the main collection. If you always insert into a secondary collection before inserting to the main collection, MongoDB will produce an error if you attempt to use a duplicate key.
If you have a small data set, you may not need to shard this collection and you can create multiple unique indexes. Otherwise you can shard on a single unique key.
Always use the default acknowledged write concern in conjunction with a recent MongoDB driver.
[1] | If you specify a unique index on a sharded collection, MongoDB will be able to enforce uniqueness only among the documents located on a single shard at the time of creation. |
To shard a collection using the unique constraint, specify the shardCollection command in the following form:
db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.users" , key : { email : 1 } , unique : true } );
Remember that the _id field index is always unique. By default, MongoDB inserts an ObjectId into the _id field. However, you can manually insert your own value into the _id field and use this as the shard key. To use the _id field as the shard key, use the following operation:
db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "test.users" } )
In any sharded collection where you are not sharding by the _id field, you must ensure uniqueness of the _id field. The best way to ensure _id is always unique is to use ObjectId, or another universally unique identifier (UUID.)
In most cases, the best shard keys are compound keys that include elements that permit write scaling and query isolation, as well as high cardinality. These ideal shard keys are not often the same keys that require uniqueness and requires a different approach.
If you cannot use a unique field as the shard key or if you need to enforce uniqueness over multiple fields, you must create another collection to act as a “proxy collection”. This collection must contain both a reference to the original document (i.e. its ObjectId) and the unique key.
If you must shard this “proxy” collection, then shard on the unique key using the above procedure; otherwise, you can simply create multiple unique indexes on the collection.
Consider the following for the “proxy collection:”
"_id" : ObjectId("...")
"email" ": "..."
The _id field holds the ObjectId of the document it reflects, and the email field is the field on which you want to ensure uniqueness.
To shard this collection, use the following operation using the email field as the shard key:
db.runCommand( { shardCollection : "records.proxy" , key : { email : 1 } , unique : true } );
If you do not need to shard the proxy collection, use the following command to create a unique index on the email field:
db.proxy.ensureIndex( { "email" : 1 }, {unique : true} )
You may create multiple unique indexes on this collection if you do not plan to shard the proxy collection.
To insert documents, use the following procedure in the JavaScript shell:
use records;
var primary_id = ObjectId();
"_id" : primary_id
"email" : "example@example.net"
// if: the above operation returns successfully,
// then continue:
"_id" : primary_id
"email": "example@example.net"
// additional information...
You must insert a document into the proxy collection first. If this operation succeeds, the email field is unique, and you may continue by inserting the actual document into the information collection.
The full documentation of: db.collection.ensureIndex() and shardCollection.