发布于 2015-09-14 15:17:44 | 177 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网络整理
Munin can use be used for monitoring aspects of a running system. This page describes how to set up and use the MongoDB plugin with Munin.
Munin is made up of two components:
You can download from SourceForge, but prebuilt packages are also available. For example on Ubuntu you can install the agent and server as follows:
To install the agent, issue following on each node you want to monitor.
shell> sudo apt-get install munin-node
To install the server on Ubuntu, you must have Apache2 . Issue the following commands:
shell> apt-get install apache2
shell> apt-get install munin
You must configure the agents and server with the IP address and port needed to contact each other. The following examples use these addresses:
On each node, add an entry as shown in the following example configuration:
For db1:
host_name db1-ec2-174-129-52-161.compute-1.amazonaws.com
allow ^$
For db2:
host_name db2-ec2-174-129-52-161.compute-1.amazonaws.com
allow ^$
In the configuration:
For each node that is being monitored add an entry, as shown in the following example configuration:
use_node_name no
use_node_name no
In the configuration:
A plugin is available that provide metrics for:
The plugin can be installed as follows on each node where MongoDB is running:
shell> wget http://github.com/erh/mongo-munin/tarball/master
shell> tar xvf erh-mongo-munin-*tar.gz
shell> cp erh-mongo-munin-*/mongo_* /etc/munin/plugins/
After installing the plugin and making the configuration changes, force the server to update the information to check that your setup is correct using the following:
shell> sudo -u munin /usr/share/munin/munin-update
If everything is set up correctly, you will get a chart like this:
If you are running a large MongoDB cluster, you may want to aggregate the values (e.g. inserts per second) across all the nodes in the cluster. Munin provides a simple way to aggregate. The following example defines a new segment called CLUSTER:
update no
In the example:
The following example defines a chart to aggregate the inserts, updates, and deletes for the cluster:
cluster_ops.graph_title Cluster Ops
cluster_ops.graph_category mongodb
cluster_ops.graph_total total
cluster_ops.total.graph no
cluster_ops.graph_order insert update delete
cluster_ops.insert.label insert
cluster_ops.update.label update
cluster_ops.delete.label delete
In the example:
cluster_ops: name of this chart.
cluster_ops.graph_category mongodb: puts this chart into the mongodb category. Allows you to collect similar charts on a single page.
cluster_ops.graph_order insert update delete: indicates the order of the lines on the key for the chart.
cluster_ops.insert: represents a single line on the chart, in this case the insert.
cluster_ops.insert.sum: indicates the values are summed.
db1-ec2-174-129-52-161.compute-1.amazonaws.com: indicates the node to aggregate.
mongo_ops.insert: indicates the chart (mongo_ops) and the counter (insert) to aggregate.
And this is what it looks like