发布于 2015-10-14 00:59:11 | 136 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Piwik Web统计软件
Piwik是一个PHP和MySQL的开放源代码的Web统计软件. 它给你一些关于你的网站的实用统计报告,比如网页浏览人数, 访问最多的页面, 搜索引擎关键词等等…
Piwik 2.15.0 rc 发布,主要更新内容如下:
#5029 Make theme look great when used in Mobile browser
#1542 Implement “Content Security Policy” (CSP)
#1254 Format numbers displayed in Piwik reports (eg. 1,000,000 instead of 1000000)
#8826 Disable ‘Provider’ plugin by default for new Piwik users (tracker performance) [by @mattab, @diosmosis]
#8578 Make Piwik opt-out feature work on internet explorer 11 when third party cookies are disabled
#7589 New Piwik design when main menu is on the left [by @mattab]
#6497 On databases that have a default charset that is not utf-8, data can get corrupted [by @tsteur]
#8946 New Awesome Search bar in Piwik
#8893 Major progress in PHP7 Compatibility for Piwik
#8825 New Command ‘core:invalidate-report-data’ to invalidate archive data (w/ period cascading) [by @diosmosis, @mattab]
#8755 Display the “Segmented Visitor Log” icon in Custom Variables report
#8625 New diagnostic command ‘diagnostics:analyze-archive-table’ that analyzes archive tables [by @diosmosis, @tsteur]
#7883 Allow plugin developers to get their plugins translated by the piwik community [by @sgiehl]
#7239 Improved diagnostics: new LogViewer plugin in Marketplace!
#6031 Make it easier to create Segments with Custom Variables [by @diosmosis]
#4103 New segments: Download file URL ‘downloadUrl’ and Outlink URL ‘outlinkUrl’ [by @mattab]
#588 New website setting: Only track visits and actions when the action URL starts with one of the above URLs [by @diosmosis]
#8066 SQL query to find websites with traffic since last successful archiving can take 6+ hours [by @tsteur, @diosmosis]
#7913 In SQL queries, print out the name of the plugin in a SQL comment for troubleshooting which plugin triggered query
#7169 Use the “Left Menu” as default menu for all Piwik users
#2846 Two factor authentication login: new GoogleAuthenticator plugin on Marketplace!
#8633 New command ‘database:optimize-archive-tables’ to optimize archive tables (even if on InnoDB). [by @diosmosis]
#8850 Archiving performance: cache the slow segment subqueries that are using LIKE constraint [by @mattab]
#7618 Update some of UI icons with new set of font icons [by @mnapoli, @diosmosis]
#6773 a multilingual Glossary using Piwik translations, available from your “Help” page and glossary.piwik.org [by @mattab]
#7588 New design for Administration Left menu
#8776 Row Evolution can fail when a segment is used
#8593 How do I enable debug logging in Piwik Tracker?
#7733 Chrome’s “Data Saver” mode prevents tracking of many visitors using Chrome browser
#6593 PageURL Segmentation fails on the ecommerce page [by @diosmosis]
#5094 When AdBlock Plus is used, suggest user to disable it for Piwik
Piwik是一套基于PHP5+MySQL技术构建的开源网站访问统计系统,前身是phpMyVisites。Piwik可以给你详细的统计信息,比如网页浏览人数,访问最多的页面,搜索引擎关键词等等流量分析功能。此外,它还采用了插件扩展及开放API架构,可以让用户根据 自已的实际需求创建更多的功能。