发布于 2015-11-20 00:46:52 | 162 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Drupal 8.0.0 发布,共有数百项更新,主要如下:
In-context, what-you-see-is-what-you-get (WYSIWYG) editing and previews
Comprehensive content modeling out of the box with entities, fields, and views
Customization of content pages and even forms and administrative pages via the administrative interface
Full translatability and localization out of the box
Reliable configuration management for safe and straightforward deployment of changes between environments
Mobile-first, responsive, HTML5 output
REST-first native web services
Enhanced accessibility and WAI-ARIA compliance
Modern PHP standards and practices, with integration of popular libraries such as Composer, Symfony2, Guzzle, and Twig
Significantly improved front-end performance out of the box
Enhanced caching and best-of-class integration with CDNs and reverse proxies
Full compatibility with PHP7, and the PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
...And much more!
Drupal 是一个开源的内容管理系统(CMS) 平台,它是用 PHP 写成的。主要用于构造提供多种功能和服务的动态网站,这些功能包括用户管理(UserAdministration)、发布工作流 (Publishing Workflow)、讨论、新闻聚合(NewsAggregation)、元数据(Metadata)操作和用于内容共享的XML发布。Drupal有一 个优秀的模块化结构,提供了许多模块,包括短消息、个性化书签、网站管理、Blog、日记、电子商务、电子出版、留言簿、Job、网上电影院、论坛、投票 等模块。并且Drupal模块的下载、安装、定制非常方便。