发布于 2016-01-22 00:49:44 | 270 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Kodi XBOX媒体中心

Kodi (曾用名 XBMC)的全称是XBOX Media Center,顾名思义他就是XBOX平台的媒体中心。对于XBOX玩家来说如果没有安装XBMC,那么玩XBOX至少缺了一半的乐趣,甚至毫不夸张的说,XBMC才是很多玩家购买XBOX的真正目的。

Kodi 16.0 “Jarvis” 候选版本1发布,此版本更新内容如下:

    • Implement the more future proof DirectX11 for Windows which still works for DirectX9 video cards;
    • Event logging which among others shows which video files didn’t got added to your library;
    • Skin settings are now stored as separate files like any other add-on which makes migrating settings a lot easier;
    • Image resource add-ons which provide a single point of entry for skins to share common used images like movie studio icons and record labels which saves quite a lot of space and bandwidth;
    • Audio DSP  (Digital Signal Processing)  add-on integration and are already included which could make things possible like equalizers, sound processing, fake surround and more
    • PVR/DVR section has been extended and improved massively which now also handles series recording
    • Music library improvements which includes asking to scan to library when adding locations and also better tag scanning
    • Button long-press which extends the functionality of a single button to handle two functions which is great for button deprived remotes
    • User interface now supports a new stereoscopic depth effect for 3D TVs or VR headsets
    • Extend the UPnP server/client integration between Kodi installations
    • Android now support a Surface Rendering which keeps the interface at normal HD resolution while allows playback of 4K on supported devices
    • Removal of the infamous libstagefright on Android  which served us for the past years while the Android platform matured to a fully fetaured MediaCodec
    • Add-on manager underwent heavy changes which includes slightly different structure, per add-on auto-update on/off switch, better update/rollback support to choose from repos,
    • Extend the included keyboard layouts which includes Korean and Chinese
    • Improved multi-touch support which now also works on Linux
    • Gives skin developers a more reliable platform to work from and reduce amount of work for adapting to new Kodi versions
    • Greatly improved audio and video playback in general


Kodi (曾用名 XBMC)的全称是XBOX Media Center,顾名思义他就是XBOX平台的媒体中心。对于XBOX玩家来说如果没有安装XBMC,那么玩XBOX至少缺了一半的乐趣,甚至毫不夸张的说,XBMC才是很多玩家购买XBOX的真正目的。


历史版本 :
Kodi v17.6 最终版发布,快如闪电
Kodi v17.4 RC1 发布,开源软件媒体中心
Kodi v17.0 Candidate3 发布,v18 命名 “Leia”
Kodi v17.1 “Krypton” 发布,Bug 修复版本
Kodi v17.1 RC1 发布,开源软件媒体中心
Kodi 17.0 正式版发布,开源软件媒体中心
Kodi v17 "Krypton" rc4,Bug 修复
Kodi v17 "Krypton" rc3,修复更多 Bug
Kodi v17 "Krypton" rc2 发布,Kodi 18 命名确定
Kodi v17 “Krypton”Beta 7 最终版发布
Kodi v17 “Krypton” Beta 6 发布
Kodi v17 “Krypton” Beta 5 发布
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