发布于 2016-05-18 08:26:05 | 197 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Struts Java MVC框架

Struts 是Apache软件基金会(ASF)赞助的一个开源项目。它最初是Jakarta项目中的一个子项目,并在2004年3月成为ASF的顶级项目。它通过采用JavaServlet/JSP技术,实现了基于Java EEWeb应用的MVC设计模式的应用框架,是MVC经典设计模式中的一个经典产品。

Apache Struts 2.5 GA 正式发布了!


JIRA Release Notes 2.5

Issue 列表:

Struts 2.3.28 DONE

Struts 2.5.x TODO


  •  All security patches from prior versions were merged into this version

  • XWork source was merged into Struts Core source, it means that there be no more xwork artifact nor dedicated jar

  • Spring dependency for tests and spring plugin was upgraded to version 4.1.6, see WW-4510.

  • Struts2 internal logging api was marked as deprecated and was replaced with new Log4j2 api as logging layer, see WW-4504.

  • Struts2 is now build with JDK7, see WW-4503.

  • New plugin to support bean validation is now part of the distribution, see WW-4505.

  • Deprecated plugins are now removed from the distribution and are not longer supported anymore.

    • Dojo Plugin

    • Codebehind Plugin

    • JSF Plugin

    • Struts1 Plugin

  • New security option was added - Strict Method Invocation (also known as Strict DMI), see WW-4540

  • Added support for latest stable AngularJS in Maven archetype, see WW-4522

  • Dropped support for id and name - replaced with var, see WW-2069

  • Dedicated archive with a minimal set of dependencies was introduced, see WW-4570

  • It is possible to use multiple names when defining a result, see WW-4590

  • Rest plugin honors Accept header, see WW-4588

  • New result 'JSONActionRedirectResult' in json-plugin was defined, see WW-4591

  • Tiles plugin was upgrade to the latest Tiles 3 and tiles3-plugin was dropped, see WW-4584

  • JasperReports plugins was upgraded to JasperReport 6.0, see WW-4381

  • OGNL was upgraded to version 3.1.4 and it breaks access to properties as it follows Java Bean Specification, see WW-4207 and WW-3909

  • Annotations to configure Tiles, see WW-4594 and Tiles Plugin

历史版本 :
Apache Struts 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.5.14 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.3.34 发布,修复安全问题
Apache Struts 2 曝高危远程代码执行漏洞,快升级!
Apache Struts 2.5.13 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.5.12 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.5.11 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.3.32 GA 发布,修复安全漏洞
Apache Struts GA 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.5.10 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.5.9 发布,MVC 框架
Apache Struts 2.5.8 发布,MVC 框架
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