发布于 2016-07-31 23:49:31 | 199 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


lighttpd WEB服务器

Lighttpd 是一个德国人领导的开源Web服务器软件,其根本的目的是提供一个专门针对高性能网站,安全、快速、兼容性好并且灵活的web server环境。具有非常低的内存开销、cpu占用率低、效能好以及丰富的模块等特点。

Lighttpd 1.4.41 发布了


  • security fixes

    • security: encode quoting chars in HTML and XML

    • security: ensure gid != 0 if server.username is set, but not server.groupname

    • security: disable stat_cache if server.follow-symlink = “disable”

    • security: httpoxy defense: do not emit HTTP_PROXY to CGI env

  • fix bugs introduced in 1.4.40 (sorry)

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 might leave client sockets in TIME WAIT (FIN2_WAIT)

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 times out on TLS requests with POST data

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 reversed REQUEST_URI/REDIRECT_URI (now reverted)

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 rejects IPv6 addrs in $HTTP[“remoteip”]

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 rejects IPv6 addrs in $SERVER[“socket”] scope identifier

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 segfault in mod_accesslog if %T in custom format

    • bug: lighttpd 1.4.40 might trigger assert when converting to hex string

  • behavior changes

    • new: use TMPDIR if server.upload-dirs is not defined, “/var/tmp” if neither

    • new: inherit server.use-ipv6 and server.set-v6only from global scope

    • reverted REQUEST_URI/REDIRECT_URI to match behavior in lighttpd <= 1.4.39


  • remove long-deprecated, non-functional config opts

  • [config] inherit server.use-ipv6 and server.set-v6only (fixes #678)

  • [mod_auth] fix Digest auth to be better than Basic (fixes #1844)

  • [mod_ssi] fix #config sizefmt=“bytes”

  • [autobuild] move inet_pton detection later

  • [core] #include <sys/filio.h> for FIONREAD (fixes #2726)

  • [autobuild] clock_gettime() -lrt with glibc < 2.17

  • [security] do not emit HTTP_PROXY to CGI env

  • [build_cmake] clock_gettime() -lrt w/ glibc < 2.17 (fixes #2737)

  • [core] avoid spurious trace and error abort

  • [core] stay in CON_STATE_CLOSE until done with req

  • [core] $HTTP[“remoteip”] must handle IPv6 w/o []

  • [mod_status] show keep-alive status w/ text output (fixes #2740)

  • do not set REDIRECT_URI in mod_magnet, mod_rewrite (#2738)

  • revert 1.4.40 swap of REQUEST_URI, REDIRECT_URI (fixes #2738)

  • [core] permit IPv6 address scope identifier

  • [TLS] better handling of SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ/WRITE

  • [TLS] read all available records from SSL_read()

  • [core] try AF_INET after AF_INET6 if use-ipv6

  • [core] set chunkqueue tempdirs at startup

  • [security] ensure gid != 0 if server.username set (fixes #2725)

  • [security] disable stat_cache if !follow-symlink (fixes #2724)

  • [core] fix buffer_copy_string_hex() assert (fixes #2742)

  • [security] encode quoting chars in HTML and XML

  • [cmake] always define _GNU_SOURCE

  • [cmake] enable warnings for GCC and Clang

  • [cmake] set cmake_minimum_required to 2.8.2


历史版本 :
Lighttpd 1.4.47 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
Lighttpd 1.4.46 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
Lighttpd 1.4.45 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
Lighttpd 1.4.44 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
lighttpd 1.4.44 发布,开源的Web服务器
Lighttpd 1.4.43 发布,重写的身份验证框架
lighttpd 1.4.42 发布
Lighttpd 1.4.41 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
lighttpd 1.4.40 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
lighttpd 1.4.39 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
lighttpd 1.4.38 发布,高性能 Web 服务器
lighttpd 1.4.37 发布
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