发布于 2017-02-04 00:28:35 | 141 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ArangoDB 高性能 NoSQL 数据库
ArangoDB 3.1.10 发布了,更新内容:
joi: 8.4.2 to 9.2.0
joi-to-json-schema: 2.2.0 to 2.3.0
sinon:1.17.4 to 1.17.6
lodash: 4.13.1 to 4.16.6
Boost to 1.62.0
added shortcut for AQL ternary operator instead of `condition ? true-part : false-part` it is now possible to also use a shortcut variant `condition ? : false-part`, e.g.
added --replication-factor, --number-of-shards and --wait-for-sync to arangobench
added optional detail flag for db.<collection>.count() setting the flag to `true` will make the count operation returned the per-shard counts for the collection:
db._create("test", { numberOfShards: 10 });
for (i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
db.test.insert({value: i});
"s100058" : 99,
"s100057" : 103,
"s100056" : 100,
"s100050" : 94,
"s100055" : 90,
"s100054" : 122,
"s100051" : 109,
"s100059" : 99,
"s100053" : 95,
"s100052" : 89
added optional memory limit for AQL queries:db._query("FOR i IN 1..100000 SORT i RETURN i", {}, { options: { memoryLimit: 100000 } });
added server startup option `--query.memory-limit`
added convenience function to create vertex-centric indexes.
added option -D to define a configuration file environment key=value
fixed wrong sorting order in cluster, if an index was used to sort with many shards.
turn on UTF-8 string validation for VelocyPack values received via VST connections
change default log output for tools to stdout (instead of stderr)
changed encoding behavior for URLs encoded in the C++ code of ArangoDB
Foxx request URL suffix is no longer unescaped
@arangodb/request option json now defaults to `true` if the response body is not empty and encoding is not explicitly set to `null` (binary).
Foxx configuration values for unknown options will be discarded when saving the configuration in production mode using the web interface
module.context.dependencies is now immutable
process.stdout.isTTY now returns `true` in arangosh and when running arangod with the `--console` flag