发布于 2017-03-08 03:17:35 | 138 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


MongoDB 分布式文件存储的数据库

MongoDB 是一个基于分布式文件存储的数据库。由C++语言编写。旨在为WEB应用提供可扩展的高性能数据存储解决方案。

MongoDB 3.5.4 和 3.4.3rc0 发布了。

3.5.4 部分更新如下:


  • [SERVER-2104] - covered index should support dotted fields

  • [SERVER-3181] - Add option to listDatabases to only get db names, not size info

  • [SERVER-18407] - Ensure getLastErrorDefaults/getLastErrorModes are satisfiable

  • [SERVER-18410] - Remove RWLock

  • [SERVER-21933] - Update README

  • [SERVER-25879] - AtomicWord constructor should be constexpr

  • [SERVER-26830] - Randomize priority takeover timeout

  • [SERVER-27158] - Shut down clusters on finished jobs in resmoke

  • [SERVER-27553] - Remove mongo/util/print.h

  • [SERVER-27627] - Use requests library to manage HTTP posts in resmoke.py buildlogger support

  • [SERVER-27810] - Guarantee that replicaset is stable with node 0 as primary after ReplSetTest.initiate()

  • [SERVER-27836] - Package smoke testing should retry verify step and not call converge

  • [SERVER-27866] - The globalLockManager dump should print thread ID in decimal & hex

  • [SERVER-27868] - Upload debug symbols on all build variants that create separate symbol files

  • [SERVER-27869] - Create a build artifact of hang_analyzer.py output and upload it to S3

  • [SERVER-27870] - Add option to invoke hang_analyzer.py with an explicit list of PIDs

  • [SERVER-27871] - Add hang_analyzer.py option to produce core dump, default to off

  • [SERVER-27875] - Dump critical sections on Windows in hang_analyzer.py

  • [SERVER-27876] - hang_analyzer.py should deduplicate stacks from different threads in Windows debugger CDB

  • [SERVER-27973] - make ClusterClientCursor own ClusterClientCursorParams and pass the params by reference to RouterStageMerge/ARM

  • [SERVER-28000] - sys-perf: Organize all dsi yaml config files under configurations/

  • [SERVER-28025] - Stand up interface to `IndexCatalog` and `IndexCatalogEntry`

  • [SERVER-28036] - Use dmesg -c to clear ring buffer before tasks instead of dmesg --clear

  • [SERVER-28052] - Make SHA1Hash a full fledged class

  • [SERVER-28099] - Use key rather than cmp in libdeps.py sorted_by_str

  • [SERVER-28102] - Add more diagnostic info to stats.js

  • [SERVER-28155] - Cleanup sharding library dependencies


  • [SERVER-18794] - Add an aggregation expression to convert an object to an array of key, value pairs

  • [SERVER-23818] - Include Evergreen task id in metadata sent to logkeeper

  • [SERVER-28004] - Add SCons support for targeting iOS, tvOS, and associated simulators


未发现 3.4.3rc0 更新内容,点此查看提交记录




历史版本 :
MongoDB File Server 1.0.0 发布,文件服务器
MongoDB 3.6.2 发布,问题修复版本
MongoDB 3.4.10 发布
MongoDB 3.4.9 和 3.5.13 发布,Bug 修复版本
MongoDB 正在秘密 IPO ,准备年底前上市
MongoDB 3.5.10 发布,分布式文档存储数据库
MongoDB 3.4.6 和 3.2.15 发布
MongoDB 3.4.5 和 3.2.14 发布
MongoDB 3.5.7 发布,分布式文档存储数据库
MongoDB 3.0.15 发布,分布式文档存储数据库
MongoDB 3.2.13 发布,分布式文档存储数据库
MongoDB 3.5.6 发布,分布式文档存储数据库
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