发布于 2017-05-05 08:02:53 | 233 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的Android Studio教程,程序狗速度看过来!

Android Studio Android 开发环境

Android Studio 是一个全新的 Android 开发环境,基于IntelliJ IDEA. 类似 Eclipse ADT,Android Studio 提供了集成的 Android 开发工具用于开发和调试

Android Studio 2.4 Preview 7 发布了。总的来说,这个构建看起来不错。除了关闭Android studio bug,我们还将IntelliJ 2017.1.1合并到 Android Studio 中。其他更新如下:

  • Incremental dexing. Dex’ing is now done at a per class level. This allows for more incrementality and will result in faster incremental builds. You should also expect improved build speeds for applications using legacy multi-dex (minSdkVersion < 21).

  • Dependency resolution at execution time. In previous versions, dependency resolution occurs during Gradle configuration time. By moving dependency resolution to execution time, you should expect improved configuration times for large projects.

  • Instant Run debug issue 234401 should now be resolved. If a program is paused on breakpoint, app restarting is expected. But if the app is not paused on a breakpoint, it shouldn’t restart and hot swap should work when you only make a method implementation change.

Zip Files:

  • Windows (64-bit): https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (569339914 bytes)

  • Windows (32-bit): https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (568805058 bytes)

  • Mac: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (568357745 bytes)

  • Linux: https://dl.google.com/dl/android/studio/ide-zips/ (567789150 bytes)

SHA-256 Checksums:

  • b87180c4fcb7dc224d182f75c46f7457ce83da2a8b31dd824fceacd6fc94fdc5 android-studio-ide-171.3934896-windows.zip

  • 8d56bcc3ce0add9622582dbba8cceb18f015b4e74156bd17af86742a396bffba android-studio-ide-171.3934896-windows32.zip

  • 66d82f8aaa8124a9420f15faf22e58f573961e0f2314bb40bfe51867772810c9 android-studio-ide-171.3934896-mac.zip

  • 40c0ff79790d2ed51eb21afb204cd6830b55d1a8182de981c4a08300f566b7e8 android-studio-ide-171.3934896-linux.zip

历史版本 :
Android Studio 3.1 Canary 8 发布,常见的错误修复
Android Studio 3.1 Canary 7 发布,常见错误修复
Android Studio 3.1 Canary 6 发布,常见错误修复
Android Studio 3.0.1 发布,一般错误修复和性能改进
Android Studio 3.1 Canary 4 发布,Bug 修复
Android Studio 3.0 正式发布,支持 Kotlin 语言
Android Studio 3.0 RC 1 发布,各种错误修复
Android Studio 3.0 Beta 4,新的 Android plugin DSL
Android Studio 3.0 Beta 2 发布,Bug 修复
Android Studio 3.0 Beta 1 发布,各种错误修复
Android Studio 3.0 Canary 7 发布
Android Studio 3.0 Canary 4 Bug 修复版本
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