发布于 2017-07-20 00:54:02 | 104 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
AngularJS 前端JS框架
Angular 5.0.0-beta.0 和 4.3.1 已发布,Angular 5.0.0-beta.0 也是 Angular 的首个 beta 版。
Angular 5.0.0-beta.0 主要是 bug 的修复和新功能的添加,详细如下:
animations: 支持使用 :increment 和 :decrement 转换别名 (6f45519)
upgrade: 传输 NgModelController 的触摸状态 (59c23c7)
upgrade: 支持延迟加载 Angular 模块到 AngularJS app (30e76fc)
Bug 修复
animations: always camelcase style property names that contain auto styles (d22f8f5), closes #17938
animations: capture cancelled animation styles within grouped animations (23146c9), closes #17170
animations: do not crash animations if a nested component fires CD during CD (5db6f38), closes #18193
animations: make sure @.disabled works in non-animation components (5344be5)
common: send flushed body as error instead of null (5c62e30), closes #18181
compiler: ensure jit external id arguments names are unique (95635c1)
compiler-cli: don't generate empty when extracting xliff (65c9e13), closes #15754
platform-server: provide XhrFactory for HttpClient (8076482)
router: canDeactivate guards should run from bottom to top (e20cfe1), closes #15657
router: should navigate to the same url when config changes (eb6fb5f), closes #15535
router: should run resolvers for the same route concurrently (ad3029e), closes #14279
router: terminal route in custom matcher (b399cb2)
upgrade: allow accessing AngularJS injector from downgraded module (a5205c6)
4.3.1 更新内容:
Bug 修复
animations: always camelcase style property names that contain auto styles (383d896), closes #17938
animations: capture cancelled animation styles within grouped animations (333ffd8), closes #17170
animations: do not crash animations if a nested component fires CD during CD (4c1f32b), closes #18193
animations: make sure @.disabled works in non-animation components (a5c4bb5)
common: send flushed body as error instead of null (17b7bc3), closes #18181
compiler: ensure jit external id arguments names are unique (4671168)
compiler-cli: don't generate empty when extracting xliff (f0476fc), closes #15754
platform-server: provide XhrFactory for HttpClient (4ce29f3)
router: canDeactivate guards should run from bottom to top (1ac78bf), closes #15657
router: should navigate to the same url when config changes (4340bea), closes #15535
router: should run resolvers for the same route concurrently (ec89f37), closes #14279
router: terminal route in custom matcher (5d275e9)