发布于 2017-07-29 00:24:01 | 156 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的AngularJS Tutorial中文版,程序狗速度看过来!
AngularJS 前端JS框架
Angular 5.0.0 beta.1 和 4.3.2 已发布,Angular 5.0.0 beta.1 是 Angular 5 的第二个 beta 版本,正式版预计 9-10 月发布。
Angular 5.0.0 beta.1 更新内容:
Bug 修复
animations: export BrowserModule as apart of BrowserAnimationsModule
compiler: add equiv & disp attributes to Xliff2 ICU placeholders
compiler: allow numbers for ICU message cases in lexer
core: invoke error handler outside of the Angular Zone
platform-server: don't clobber parse5 properties when setting
router: child CanActivate guard should wait for parent to complete
router: should throw when lazy loaded module doesn't define any routes
upgrade: ensure downgraded components are created in the Angular zone
upgrade: throw error if trying to get injector before setting
compiler: add representation of placeholders to xliff & xmb
latest tsickle to tree shake: abstract class methods & interfaces
core: use native addEventListener for faster rendering
Angular 4.3.2 更新内容:
Bug 修复
animations: export BrowserModule as apart of BrowserAnimationsModule
compiler: add equiv & disp attributes to Xliff2 ICU placeholders
compiler: allow numbers for ICU message cases in lexer
core: invoke error handler outside of the Angular Zone
platform-server: don't clobber parse5 properties when setting
router: child CanActivate guard should wait for parent to complete
router: should throw when lazy loaded module doesn't define any routes
upgrade: throw error if trying to get injector before setting