发布于 2017-08-04 01:18:05 | 276 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递

这里有新鲜出炉的YII 2.0教程,程序狗速度看过来!


Yii Framework是一个基于组件、用于开发大型 Web 应用的高性能 PHP 框架。Yii提供了今日Web 2.0应用开发所需要的几乎一切功能。Yii是最有效率的PHP框架之一。Yii是创始人薛强的心血结晶,于2008年1月1日开始开发。



Yii 提供了 CUploadedFile 来上传文件,比如图片,或者文档。

官方关于这个类的介绍 :

CUploadedFile represents the information for an uploaded file.
Call getInstance to retrieve the instance of an uploaded file, and then use saveAs to save it on the server. You may also query other information about the file, including name, tempName, type, size and error.
public properties

Property Type Description Defined By
error integer Returns an error code describing the status of this file uploading. CUploadedFile
extensionName string the file extension name for name. CUploadedFile
hasError boolean whether there is an error with the uploaded file. CUploadedFile
name string the original name of the file being uploaded CUploadedFile
size integer the actual size of the uploaded file in bytes CUploadedFile
tempName string the path of the uploaded file on the server. CUploadedFile
type string the MIME-type of the uploaded file (such as "image/gif"). CUploadedFile

1、 模型层面 M ,把一个字段在rules方法里设置为 file 属性。

    'file',  //定义为file类型
    'types'=>'jpg,png,gif,doc,docx,pdf,xls,xlsx,zip,rar,ppt,pptx',  //上传文件的类型
    'maxSize'=>1024*1024*10,  //上传大小限制,注意不是php.ini中的上传文件大小

2、视图层View,这里需要用到CHtml::activeFileField 来生成选择文件的button,注意是上传文件,所以在该标单中enctype应该设置为: multupart/form-data

<?php $form=$this->beginWidget('CActiveForm', array(
<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>'id'=>'link-form',
<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>'enableAjaxValidation'=>false,
<span style="white-space:pre"> </span>'htmlOptions' => array('enctype'=>'multipart/form-data'),
)); ?>

<div class="row">
    <?php echo $form->labelEx($model,'url'); ?>
    <?php echo CHtml::activeFileField($model,'url'); ?>
    <?php echo $form->error($model,'url'); ?>

3、控制层 C

$model=new Link;
    $model->name = $model->url;
  $file = CUploadedFile::getInstance($model,'url');
  if(is_object($file)&&get_class($file) === 'CUploadedFile'){
  // 判断实例化是否成功
    $model->url = './assets/upfile/file_'.time().'_'.rand(0,9999).'.'.$file->extensionName;  //定义文件保存的名称
    $model->url = './assets/upfile/noPic.jpg';
    // 若果失败则应该是什么图片
    if(is_object($file)&&get_class($file) === 'CUploadedFile'){
      $file->saveAs($model->url); // 上传图片


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