发布于 2017-08-30 00:55:52 | 247 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MariaDB基于事务的Maria存储引擎,替换了MySQL的MyISAM存储引擎,它使用了Percona的 XtraDB,InnoDB的变体,分支的开发者希望提供访问即将到来的MySQL 5.4 InnoDB性能。这个版本还包括了 PrimeBase XT (PBXT) 和 FederatedX存储引擎。
MariaDB 是一个 MySQL 的替代数据库。MariaDB 努力成为数据库专业人士寻找一个强大的,可扩展的,可靠的 SQL 服务器的合乎逻辑的选择。要做到这一点,MariaDB 基金会紧密合作开展工作,在自由和开放源码软件的真正精神的用户和开发者的较大的社区,并且在平衡预测与可靠性的方式发布软件。
现在 MariaDB 10.3.1 Alpha 发布了,需要的朋友可以下载试试!
This will be the second alpha release in the MariaDB 10.3 series.
Notable changes of this release include:
Update InnoDB to 5.7.19
CHR() function (MDEV-12685)
The DELETE statement can now delete from the table that is used in a subquery in theWHEREclause (MDEV-12137)
Stored routine parameters can now useROW TYPE OF(MDEV-13581)
The server now supports the PROXY protocol (MDEV-11159)
Reset old history of records and redo log format changes (MDEV-12288, MDEV-13536, Revision #bae0844f657)
New system variable gtid_pos_auto_engines for improving performance if a server is using multiple different storage engines in different transactions (MDEV-12179)
Disable logging of certain statements to the general log with the log_disabled_statements system variable.
New status variables Rpl_transactions_multi_engine, Transactions_gtid_foreign_engine and Transactions_multi_engine.
session variables tracking is enabled by default (MDEV-11825)
Remove deprecated variables innodb_file_format, innodb_file_format_check, innodb_file_format_max and innodb_large_prefix.