发布于 2017-09-30 03:22:07 | 200 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Firefox 浏览器
firefox 即 火狐浏览器 。Mozilla Firefox,中文名通常称为“火狐”或“火狐浏览器”,是一个开源网页浏览器,使用Gecko引擎(非ie内核),支持多种操作系统如Windows、Mac和linux。Firefox由Mozilla基金会与社区数百个志愿者以GPL/LGPL/MPL三种授权方式发布
Firefox 56.0 正式版已发布,这更偏向于是一个修复问题的过渡版,Firefox 值得期待的新功能都放在 Firefox 57 。
Firefox 56.0 主要是加入了一个截屏工具、更稳定的同步特性,以及一些对浏览器的设置菜单的改进和搜索功能完善,性能上没有太多的改善。
Launched Firefox Screenshots, a feature that lets users take, save, and share screenshots without leaving the browser
Added support for address form autofill (en-US only)
Updated Preferences
Added search tool so users can find a specific setting quickly
Reorganized preferences so users can more easily scan settings
Rewrote descriptions so users can better understand choices and how they affect browsing
Revised data collection choices so they align with updated Privacy Notice and data collection strategy
Media opened in a background tab will not play until the tab is selected
Improved Send Tabs feature of Sync for iOS and Android, and Send Tabs can be discovered even by users without a Firefox Account