发布于 2017-10-07 00:00:08 | 255 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



GitLab 是一个用于仓库管理系统的开源项目。使用Git作为代码管理工具,并在此基础上搭建起来的web服务。

GitLab 10.0.3 和 9.5.8 已发布,适用于 GitLab 社区版和企业版。它们都修复了一些存在于旧版本的错误和回归。


  • CE/EE: Fix merge request counter updates after merge (!14563)

  • CE/EE: Make sure API responds with 401 when invalid authentication info is provided (!14525)

  • CE/EE: Fix 500 error on merged merge requests when GitLab is restored from a backup (!14547)

  • CE/EE: Fix commenting on side-by-side commit diff (!14529)

  • CE/EE: Gitaly RepositoryExists remains opt-in for all method calls (!14513)

  • CE/EE: Adjust MRs being stuck on "process of being merged" for more than 2 hours (!14540)

  • CE/EE: find_user Users helper method no longer overrides find_user API helper method (!14418)

  • CE/EE: Improve UX of autodevops popover to match gpg one (!14582)

  • CE/EE: Fix CSRF validation issue when closing/opening merge requests from the UI (!14555)

  • CE/EE: Make Repository#has_visible_content more efficient (!14554)

  • CE/EE: Fix Auto DevOps banner feature flag (!14576)

  • CE/EE: Fix data parameter not being sent in ajax request for jobs log (!14564)

  • CE/EE: Fix pushes to an empty repository not invalidating has_visible_content? cache (!14613)

  • CE/EE: Ensure all refs are restored on a backup/restore (!14595)

  • CE/EE: Fix Admin -> License selector for GitLab QA specs (!14599)

  • CE/EE: Fix gitlab-rake gitlab:import:repos task (!14597)

  • CE/EE: Fix broken certificate-authority-data with kubectl >= 1.8.0 (!14635)

  • EE: Show group tab if member lock is enabled (!3025)

  • EE: Only show Turn on Service Desk button when user has permissions (!3020)

  • EE: Add basic documentation on the consul cluster (!3013)

  • EE: File uploaders do not perform hard check, only soft check (!2960)

  • EE: Fix EE delta size check handling with annotated tags (!3041)

  • EE: Rewrite Geo database rake tasks so they operate on the correct database (!3052)



  • CE/EE Fix fork button being disabled for users who can fork to group (!14551)

  • EE Fix delta size check to handle commit or nil objects (!2976)

  • EE Fix EE delta size check handling with annotated tags (!3041)


历史版本 :
GitLab 10.3.5, 10.2.7 和 10.1.7 发布,修复回归错误
GitLab 发布安全更新版本:10.3.4, 10.2.6 和 10.1.6
GitLab 10.3.1和 10.3.2 发布
GitLab 10.3.0 和 10.4.0 pre 发布
GitLab 社区版和企业版 10.2.3 补丁版本发布
GitLab 10.2 发布,带来可配置的 issue 看板
GitLab 社区版和企业版 10.1.4 版本发布
GitLab 10.1.2,10.0.6 和 9.5.10 发布,安全程序修复
GitLab 10.0.5 发布,修复多个漏洞
GitLab 发布 10.1.1 补丁版本
GitLab 10.0.4, 9.5.9, and 9.4.7 发布,修复漏洞
GitLab Extension for Visual Studio 发布
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