发布于 2014-08-02 00:18:07 | 250 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
GlusterFS 集群文件系统
Gluster 是一个集群的文件系统,支持 PB 级的数据量。GlusterFS 通过 RDMA 和 TCP/IP 方式将分布到不同服务器上的存储空间汇集成一个大的网络并行文件系统。
分布式文件系统GlusterFS 3.5.2发布,该版本主要是 bug 修复,包括:
1096020: NFS server crashes in _socket_read_vectored_request
1100050: Can't write to quota enable folder
1103050: nfs: reset command does not alter the result for nfs options earlier set
1105891: features/gfid-access: stat on .gfid virtual directory return EINVAL
1111454: creating symlinks generates errors on stripe volume
1112111: Self-heal errors with "afr crawl failed for child 0 with ret -1" while performing rolling upgrade.
1112348: [AFR] I/O fails when one of the replica nodes go down
1112659: Fix inode leaks in gfid-access xlator
1112980: NFS subdir authentication doesn't correctly handle multi-(homed,protocol,etc) network addresses
1113007: nfs-utils should be installed as dependency while installing glusterfs-server
1113403: Excessive logging in quotad.log of the kind 'null client'
1113749: client_t clienttable cliententries are never expanded when all entries are used
1113894: AFR : self-heal of few files not happening when a AWS EC2 Instance is back online after a restart
1113959: Spec %post server does not wait for the old glusterd to exit
1114501: Dist-geo-rep : deletion of files on master, geo-rep fails to propagate to slaves.
1115369: Allow the usage of the wildcard character '*' to the options "nfs.rpc-auth-allow" and "nfs.rpc-auth-reject"
1115950: glfsheal: Improve the way in which we check the presence of replica volumes
1116672: Resource cleanup doesn't happen for clients on servers after disconnect
1116997: mounting a volume over NFS (TCP) with MOUNT over UDP fails
1117241: backport 'gluster volume status --xml' issues
1120151: Glustershd memory usage too high
1124728: SMB: CIFS mount fails with the latest glusterfs rpm's