发布于 2014-09-01 00:24:53 | 261 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


HawtIO 应用监控系统

Hawt IO 是一个新的可插入式 HTML5 面板,设计用来监控 ActiveMQ, Camel, Karaf, Fuse Fabric, Tomcat 和其他系统。可通过其提供的 一堆插件 提供额外的监控。

HawtIO 1.4.8 发布,此版本现已提供下载,官方尚无具体说明。


HawtIO 1.5

* Hawtio 要求 Java 1.7 及以上

* 当在 WebSphere 运行或者适应 WebSphere 特定证书或者 APIs 认证时会检测相关认证

HawtIO 1.4.17

* bug 修复

HawtIO 1.4.16

* bug 修复

HawtIO 1.4.14

* upgrades to jaxb, jackson, dozer and spring to play nicer with the latest fabric8 distro

* Fixes these 5 issues and enhancements

HawtIO 1.4.12

* fabric8 plugin has an improved Containers page and the start of a nice deploy UI with draggy droppy * Fixes these 10 issues and enhancements

HawtIO 1.4.11

* fabric8 plugin has a nice funky 'App Store' style Profiles tab for selecting profiles * ActiveMQ plugin can now edit and resend messages * Minimised the generated JS to reduce the size * Fixes these 14 issues and enhancements* Support for Java 1.6 is deprecated

HawtIO 1.4.4

* the Chrome Extension build worked, so we've a shiny new Chrome Extension! * various fixes for the new fabric8 release * Fixes these 14 issues and enhancements

HawtIO 1.4.2

* New pane used for JMX/Camel/ActiveMQ tabs that allows resizing or hiding the JMX tree * New terminal theme * Restyled container list page in Fabric8 runtime view * Switch from ng-grid to hawtio-simple-table for JMX attributes view * Fixes these 84 issues and enhancements

HawtIO 1.4.1

  • Using new hawtio logo

  • Quick bugfix release

HawtIO 1.4.0

  • Theme support with two available themes, Default and Dark

  • Better pluggable branding support

  • Refactored preferences page into a slide out preferences panel, made preference tabs pluggable

  • Relocated perspective switcher and incorporated it into the main navigation bar

  • Perspective switcher now also maintains a list of 5 recently used connections automatically

  • Added fabric8 branding plugin

  • Fixed some minor bugs and issues in the fabric plugin.

  • Upgraded to Jolokia 1.2.1

  • Fixes these 18 issues and enhancements

HawtIO 1.3.1


Hawt IO 是一个新的可插入式 HTML5 面板,设计用来监控 ActiveMQ, Camel, Karaf, Fuse Fabric, Tomcat 和其他系统。可通过其提供的 一堆插件 提供额外的监控。


历史版本 :
HawtIO 1.5.1 发布,Java 应用监控系统
HawtIO 1.4.55 发布,应用监控系统
HawtIO 1.4.8 发布,应用监控系统
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